C’est avec une profonde tristesse que la famille du Major (retraité) Marc Moo Sang vous annonce son décès survenu le 22 novembre 2022 à l’âge de 68 ans, après une année de bataille courageuse contre le cancer de la vessie. Entouré de ses proches, il a pris son envol. Il laisse dans le deuil sa tendre épouse, Denise Dufour, ses filles bien-aimées Stefanie (Jonathan) et Isabelle (Ryan) ainsi que ses petits-enfants adorés Mia, Théo, Fiona, Winston, Bristol et Maxime. Il laisse également dans le deuil ses sœurs Marie José et Célyne ainsi que plusieurs neveux, nièces, cousins, cousines, autres parents et amis.
Nous nous souviendrons de Marc comme étant un époux aimant, un père et un grand-père fier et attentionné, un frère, un oncle et un ami très cher. Il était un homme au grand cœur; humble, authentique, généreux et bienveillant qui n’hésitait jamais à partager sa sagesse avec tous ceux qui l’entouraient.
Tout au long de sa vie et de sa carrière il s’est forgé une réputation de leader exceptionnel et était reconnu pour son dévouement, toujours prêt à servir son prochain. Bon-vivant, sa vie a été remplie d’aventures et de voyages qu’il adorait partager avec sa famille.
La famille tient à remercier les équipes de la division d’oncologie et de neurochirurgie de l'hôpital d’Ottawa, les Services de soutien à domicile et en milieu communautaire Champlain Ottawa et Soins Palliatifs Orléans pour leur soutien.
Vos témoignages de sympathie peuvent se traduire par un don adressé à:
- https://ohfoundation.ca/in-memoriam
- https://bladdercancercanada.org/fr/donner-maintenant/
- https://beechwoodottawa.ca/fr/donation
La famille recevra parents et ami(e)s en l'Espace sacrée du Centre commémoratif national Beechwood, 280 av Beechwood le Lundi 8 mai 2023 à compter de midi. Le service commémoratif aura lieu à 13h suivit de l'inhuamtion de l'urne au Cimetière national des Forces canadiennes et d'une réception.
Livre de visiteurs
France Hurley
Mom of Zak de Breyne (Cadet)
I have a picture of Marc on the main wall as people enter my home, of him giving my special needs son the "perseverance" award. I did not know him well but I respected him, found him extremely kind and he was a wonderful man. Very sorry for your loss.
David Patterson
Mark Moo Sang was my RESO Phase 2 course officer for the infantry part of my course in Gagetown 1980. He was a hard task master who instilled self discipline and confidence in the young officer cadets in his care. It was a hard course and he took his role seriously, passing on life and leadership lessons. He earned the respect of all of us. Please accept my sincere condolences.
Micheline Labrecque
Bonjour Denise,
Je viens d'apprendre la nouvelle. J'aimerais te souhaiter mes plus sincères sympathies à toi et ta famille.
Michel Pilote
Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille.
Every once in a while, I take a look back on my life to think about the impact that people I have crossed paths with have had on my life. Needless to say, Marc was one of those key figure that seemed to just have his own gravitational effect on all. He didn't just influence the choices I made but defined my character and how I think as a person.
Marc was an educator, a leader, and overall a straight-shooting, decent human being. While he may not have known it, he provided a backbone for thousands of Canadian youth and firm direction to those he worked with. His drive and dedication to excellence are the epitome of Canadian values.
It's been an honour knowing with you, and I wish we had time to talk about all the literature you gave me.
You will not be forgotten.
Dot Cooper
We last met at the Commissionaires Ottawa Awards Ceremony where Marc was the star of event. I was honoured to meet you with your family as Marc and I recalled life at CMR and the many times our paths crossed throughout our careers. Marc has left a grand legacy, and we will remember him. My sincerest condolences.
Yvonne Hair
Kind and good friend.
You will be greatly missed.
Bob Martinell
Our sincerest condolences to Marc’s family, friends and his brothers/sisters-in-arms on his passing. I came to know Marc at CMR and did meet up in the Mess and exercises when serving in Valcartier/la Citadelle. We are now proud to count Marc’s cousin Brian (and Joyce) our next door neighbours from Barrie amongst our friends. Rest in piece dear friend; I enjoyed our short but fruitful friendship. LCol(Retd) Bob and Maj (Retd) Cathy Martinell, Late of the RCE and CFMS
Sylvain Beaudry
Toutes mes sympathies à Denise et la famille. Marc a laissé sa marque dans les programme des cadets de l'air.
An incredible man who gave so much of his time to the cadets of 51 squadron, mentoring, guiding and always ready to help them better themselves and to be our future leaders. His organizational skills were unmatched giving incredible opportunities and memories to our young people. Anyone, young and old who had the opportunity to work with him were truly blessed to learn from his example, dedication and hard work. Denise, Isabelle and Stefanie, I will truly miss him.