Membre depuis

5 années 6 mois
Soumis par amber le lun 18/03/2024 - 09h15

Décédé à Ottawa, entouré de sa famille, le mardi 12 mars 2024, à l'âge de 64 ans. Époux bien-aimé de Nicole (neé Galipeau). Père aimant de Sébastien (Emily) et Mireille (Rich). Grand-père chéri de Carolanne, Ève et Aiden. Frère de feu Rhéa (Jean-Claude), Jackie (Marcel), Claudette (René), feu Léo (Marie) et Claire (André). Prédécédé par ses parents Armand Harvey et Gilberte (neé Gervais). Il manquera aussi beaucoup à ses nièces, neveux, tantes, oncles, cousins, cousines, amis et collègues.  Jean était un mari, un père et un grand-père dévoué. Une âme douce dont les actions en disaient long sur sa gentillesse. Sa chaleur et son sourire ne seront pas oubliés. Il a été un employé loyal du Conseil scolaire catholique d'Ottawa pendant 32 ans et demi.

La famille et les amis sont invités au Centre commémoratif national Beechwood (280, avenue Beechwood, Ottawa) pour une visite le lundi 25 mars 2024, de 12 h jusqu'à l'heure du service commémoratif à 13 h dans la chapelle de l'Espace sacré de Beechwood, suivi d'une réception. Au lieu de fleurs, veuillez faire un don à la Eye Foundation of Canada. 


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Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 25/03/2024 - 12h50


Fred Chrystal

We worked together in Planning and Facilities for a few years. Jean’s ergonomically designed work space would qualify him to design spacecrafts. A lovely man with a gentle soul that endeared him to all that came to know him.
Fred Chrystal

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 25/03/2024 - 16h21


William Carey

So sad to hear , My Sincere Condolences to The Family ,, I knew Jean well , He was such a great fellow to work with , down to earth , always there a helping hand , I worked with Jean for 32years in the Eastern Schools and setting up His workplace at Pope John many years ago ,
Small world , I even bought a Suburu from his Friend at St. Canut , without knowing that was his friend ,,then to hear ,it was where He bought his and spent many summers as a child near by , I had a Trailer nearby and spent summers there
He will be missed , such a dovoted and kind Person ,,, May He Rest In PEACE

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 25/03/2024 - 16h47


Donna Presz

It is sadness in my heart that I hear of Jean's passing. He was a kind and generous man. He had an encyclopedic memory of and a personal library of parts to fix everything that could be fixed. The staff of our libraries (learning commons) appreciated all of his hard work.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 25/03/2024 - 18h53


Rose Marshall

My thoughts and prayers are with Jean’s family. Very sorry for your loss.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 25/03/2024 - 20h41


Betty Poaps

So surprised and sorry to hear of Jean’s passing. He was caring and gentle, always a bright smile and, when time to chat, speaking lovingly of his family. It was a pleasure to work with him years ago in the IT Department. Sincere condolences to his personal family and his OCSB family.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mer 27/03/2024 - 08h56


Brenda Wilson

Rest in peace dear sweet Jean! One of the most kind, helpful and supportive people that I had the pleasure of working with in the Learning Tech Department. He always had time to ask how you were doing and to help out in any way possible. He always spoke of his family with so much love and happiness. You will be greatly missed my friend.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le ven 12/04/2024 - 18h37


Odile Laberge

Toutes mes sympathies à la famille et ami(e)s!

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