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5 années 6 mois
Soumis par bryan le ven 16/06/2023 - 15h28

It is with the deepest love and tenderness that we announce the crossing over of our beloved Sheila Papa (aka Berto, Bertolucci, Papito, Billy).

Sheila passed away peacefully at home in Iqaluit, Nunavut after 18 months of treatment for cancer.  Always positive, she used the time she had to polish her already loving, glowing self. She deeply affected everyone that spent time with her, with her boundless love of life and determination to survive. When the end finally came, she surrendered with such beauty and grace to the infinite, peacefully at home surrounded with the love of her two sisters, Rosalie and Kit, her wife Jamie, and their three adored dogs. Countless friends and family also were supporting from her hometown in Vancouver as well as her many loving friends in Iqaluit. 

Sheila’s family misses her deeply. She is grieved by mother Jovita Ursua, stepfather, Luis Ursua, her four siblings; Jocelyn Damkohler, Gerardo Papa, Catherine Papa, Rosalie Lin, and nieces and nephews; Kristoffer Damkohler, Sofia and Matthew Wardal, Sabrina and Braden Papa, Knyx Diaz and Jaecen Legaspi. Also the husbands and wives of her siblings, who have supported Sheila with so much love, and her extended family in the Philippines.  A special mention also to her adored grandparents, RIP in Camiling, Emeterio and Aquilina Apostol, who did so much in her early years, helping to raise her into her successful, joyous, loving self.

Her wife and devoted partner of 18 years, Jamie Griffiths, is grateful for every day spent with the love of her life, her soulmate, her rock. Sheila was an enthusiastic supporter of Jamie’s life as a visual artist, filmmaker and photographer. It was their mutual love of photography that brought them together in 2005 when Sheila first met Jamie through experimental darkroom classes at Langara College.

Jamie’s family in the UK grew close to Sheila over the years, supporting their relationship and adventurous life together, especially Jamie’s mother Glenys Griffiths who (despite dementia) always asked after Sheila, her brother John Griffiths’ family, sister Michelle Sammons and brother John Cooke and all the Scottish Griffs.

Sheila was born in Camiling in the Philippines, emigrating to Canada in 1989 at the age of 15, with her family. The youngest sibling, she embraced her life in Canada to the full. Working in the airline industry, she travelled the world, visiting out of the way places; fearless, curious and deeply respectful of people and cultures. She learned languages easily and made many friends along the way, with her infectious joy and laughter. By 2006, Sheila felt a strong pull towards a new career, so she returned to school, gaining her degree in International Relations at the University of British Columbia. She then sought out work that she felt could make a difference to the everyday lives of people in need. In 2014, this eventually brought her and Jamie, to live in Iqaluit, Nunavut, in the Canadian Arctic. Feeling deep respect for Inuit cultural values and learning quickly about life in the North, Sheila immediately found her dream job where she flourished, and they adopted three dogs, bought their first home, and made deep friendships.

Sheila was very special. All who knew her are heartbroken. There has been an outpouring of love and support in celebration of the legacy of her love, passion, wisdom and generosity. We feel her love with us still. We have no doubt that she is joyously travelling still, beyond anything our earthbound lives can comprehend.

When the blossom is shed,

The fruit comes to a head;

When the body is shattered,

The spirit lifts up its head.

~Rumi, Mathnawi, Book I

Every person is a world to explore.

The world inside is as vast as the world outside.

Nothing has passed away and nothing is lost.

Together we are one.

~Thich Nat Han


~Sheila Papa


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Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 18/06/2023 - 20h13


Julie Barré

Dear Sheila, I wish you peace, joyful moments, but mostly to be free of pain wherever you are.. Hope your soul will sore across this beautiful world and that you will get to see the few places you didn’t get to in your lifetime. I will miss you, your kindness, spirit and your laugh! Much love, Julie & Simone too xXx

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 19/06/2023 - 13h22


Cheryl Papa

To our dearest, Sheila. I am so grateful to have you as my sister-in-law. You are the youngest of the siblings yet the most matured in so many ways. Your positive demeanor in life has inspired me to see the best even in difficult situations. Thank you for making all moments spent with you worthwhile, my beautiful sis! Until we meet again! Love you forever, Che (and missing you - Kabs, Bring, and Brad).

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 19/06/2023 - 23h52


Sabrina Papa

Dearest Tita Sheila,

We all miss you and love you so much. Thank you for being a positive inspiration in all of your nephews' and nieces' lives. You have truly inspired me to not take life so seriously and to never take anything for granted. I'll always remember your quick wit and humour. I love you so much Tita. I hope you're resting easy. ❤️

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mar 20/06/2023 - 08h56


Norma Mangona

You’ll be miss forever, Rest in peace anak.We love you.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mar 20/06/2023 - 11h33


Michelle Sammons

Thank you for being you and allowing me into your life to share the glow that was you and Jamie. And to so generously invite me to share your last holiday in Costa Rica which such an incredibly special time for the three of us. You are an incredible person much loved by so many people for so many reasons which have already been expressed. There’s now a large ‘Sheila gap’ in my life which will never be filled. Darn it Sheila…. Morocco was going to be our next adventure. When I eventually make it there I will still be chatting and sharing with you my darling. With so much love and many wonderful memories…. Tent Making Bats being just one of them xxxxx

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mar 20/06/2023 - 11h37


Cookee and Mandy

Lovely Sheila, I will treasure the times we spent together our lovely sister in law, you will be missed by all who knew you! XX

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mar 20/06/2023 - 11h49


Crystal Poot

Manang Sheila I still can't believe you're no longer physically here with us ?. So many memories of you have been flooding my head Manang Sheila. Our Electric Youth dance routine when I was still a kid, will always be my most favorite memory with you. I wish I could have seen you and hugged you one last time manang. I miss you so much and I'm happy you are resting now. I love you Manang Sheila....Always....Rest in Paradise ❤

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mar 20/06/2023 - 12h30


Robert Paterson

What an incredible person you are, Sheila. Reading all these memories/testimonies/tributes make me dizzy. We never met face to face and I deeply regret it. On the other hand, as my ( beloved and very wise) grandfather used to say: we live on through those who love us. You're here to stay❤️

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mer 21/06/2023 - 00h17


Vinnie Karetak

Hi Shelia. I was always happy to have a little chat with you when ever we saw each other in various places, (airports, peoples homes) Your home was a very welcoming home and i love you for it. I'm going to work with Jamie as best as i could. I know that Laakkuluk and I tried to live our best life for you just recently. I will continue to do so for Jamie as we move forward.

we know that you were loved right to the end, and that is the best we can ever hope for.

Rest well my friend.

love Vinnie

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mer 21/06/2023 - 00h37


Laura Lee Coles

I knew Shelia briefly before she and Jamie moved into their Northern life, so full of everything life has to offer. I was blessed and got to go to their wedding! I got to see both of them a couple years ago when they came back to Vancouver. I always loved Shelia’s vibrant being and her intelligence. Her smile really got to me each and every time. I’m so blessed I got to know her through Jamie. So happy for them both. I remember we all met up in London UK during an art exhibition Jamie was in in London, UK, at Canada House. I took lots of photos of them that night. I am glad I have those memories. To Jamie and her family and closest friends, my deepest sympathy and love. To Shelia, I sense you are off into the universe at peace and wandering the galaxy. I will see you in the stars, and will feel you in the breeze. Ii will not forget you. Peace on your new journey, and into the light!

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