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Soumis par justine le mar 27/12/2022 - 12h49

It is with great sadness that we announce the untimely death of David “Dave” Escaravage. He left us living one of his passions: exploring the world and forging new friendships.

He was that rare person whose interests knew no bounds, as did his love of all that life had to offer. He was so curious and knowledgeable. While his passing was premature, Dave lived life as he wished  - intensely and with the sense of adventure and fun that defined him.

He will be deeply missed by his cherished partner Robyn Weiss, and his beloved children and grandchildren:  Emily (Sébastien), Marika (Tiberius), Eric, Noémie, and Céleste. He is survived by his brother Marc, sister Irene (Yves), aunt Yvonne (Len) and many nieces, nephews, friends, as well as his dog Guinness with whom he shared an incomparable bond. We will all miss his boundless energy and infectious laughter.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that people remember David by helping out a friend, neighbour, or stranger. Donations can also be made to Canadian Blood Services

A celebration of Dave’s great life will be held on Friday, February 10, 2023. Please RSVP here.

In the meantime, we invite you to post anything you are moved to share in the comments below.

Nous sommes attristés d’annoncer le décès de David “Dave” Escaravage. Il nous a quitté trop tôt, en vivant sa passion du voyage, explorant le monde et en tissant de nouveaux liens d’amitié.

Une de ces rares personnes avec multiples passions et intérêts, David s'est bâti une vie  remplie de bonheur et de curiosité. Malgré son décès prématuré, il a vécu avec vivacité, ayant un sens d’humour et un goût pour l’aventure qui l'ont défini au fil de sa vie. 

Il laisse dans le deuil: sa conjointe Robyn Weiss, ses enfants et petits-enfants Emily (Sébastien), Marika (Tiberius), Eric, Noémie et Céleste. Il est survécu par son frère Marc, sa sœur Irène (Yves), sa tante Yvonne (Len), ses nombreux nièces, neveux, et amis ainsi que son chien Guinness, avec lequel il partagait un lien sans pareil. Nous allons tous manquer son énergie débordante et son rire contagieux. 

À la place de fleurs, la famille demande à ceux et celles qui aimeraient honorer la mémoire de David de le faire en aidant un.e voisin.e, ami.e, ou étranger. Des dons peuvent aussi être fait à la Société canadienne du sang

Une célébration de la vie exceptionnelle de David aura lieu le vendredi 10 février 2023. Veuillez signaler votre présence au lien suivant.  

Nous invitons à partager vos pensées ci-dessous. 

Nos entristece anunciar la prematura muerte de David “Dave” Escaravage, que occurio mientras vivia una de sus pasiones –explorar el mundo conociendo a nuevos amigos.

Le extrañarán su compañera Robyn Weiss, sus hijos, hijas y nietas: Emily (Sebastien), Marika (Tiberius), Eric, Céleste y Noémie. Deja también su hermano Marc, hermana Irene (Yves), tía Yvonne (Len), muchos sobrinos, sobrinas, amigos, amigas, y su perro Guinness. Todos extrañarán su abundante energía positiva y su risa contagiosa.

En lugar de flores, la familia le pide honrar a David ayudando a un amigo, vecino o estrangero. También pueden donar a Canadian Blood Services

Todos serán bienvenidos a una celebración de su gran vida que se organice para Febrero 2023. Les compartiremos los detalles en esta página tan pronto como sea posible. 

Mientras tanto, lo invitamos a publicar cualquier cosa que desee compartir en los comentarios a continuación.


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Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mar 27/12/2022 - 14h00


Tom and Mary

Dave was a great friend, and a mountain of enthusiasm, energy and compassion. We will miss him dearly; He was taken too soon. Our deepest sympathies and condolences to all his family.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mar 27/12/2022 - 18h11


Yolande Tarnowski

He was a neighborly friend; and when I received these difficult news, I was just about to respond to one of his pleasant notes from last Christmas; -- may he rest in Peace.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mar 27/12/2022 - 21h01


pattee and Michael Lebner

Our dear friend Dave from the moment we heard of this atrocity our hearts were broken!!! I think about you everyday. All I could say we were so fortunate to spend so much time with you and Robyn last February!! We had so much more to do together. Till we meet again dear friend. I will keep my heart and eyes on beautiful Robyn. Love you 4ever . Love Michael & Pattee

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le mer 28/12/2022 - 21h59


David and Megan Vancouver

Thinking of Eric and his family. May Dave rest in peace.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le ven 30/12/2022 - 15h42


Pierre Saddik

A sad day for me, like for all those he surrounded himself with. I have had the pleasure of knowing him all through highschool where we developped camaraderie and friendly competition. I had slightly better grades but he always laughed at me because he spent half my study time. When I told him I was going to become an Actuary, he laughed even more saying he was going to be the boss of 1000 actuaries. So the years separated us only to reconnect in our early sixties. We compared notes and I found out he pretty much carried his plan to execution with a hugely succesful management consulting career, allowing him to retire at 43 and travelling the world thereafter. In the short 3 years we reconnected, he inspired my life in more ways than one, be it in learning investments, watching my diet, playing tennis, travelling and understanding the unsung aspects of life. Dave also positively impacted and inspired close members of my family. His passing is untimely indeed but then again, I'm sure God will have other plans for Him in Heaven, continuing his lovespreading until eternity. My condolences to all his family, as he will be dearly missed.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le jeu 05/01/2023 - 11h18


Dave Jackson

Dave and I played tennis every time he came to Ottawa...I looked forward to playing him all the time..he was very intellectual and funny...I am shocked and saddened by his passing...he was a wonderful person and I will sorely miss him...

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le dim 08/01/2023 - 22h03


Jorie Richman Rosenthal

Dave will be missed. Such an intelligent and friendly person. He lived in our condo building and we chatted occasionally.
My thoughts are with his family and Robyn.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 09/01/2023 - 16h09



Dave really was a genuine, creative, smart, attentive man, a real loss to the world. My deepest condolences Eric and Marika

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 09/01/2023 - 17h26


Denise Escaravage/Marcelli

I spoke to David once when writing the Genealogy book. I wish that I had met him. He seemed so full of joy. I'm so sorry to hear of his loss. My Condolences to all the family.

Soumis par Anonyme (non vérifié) le lun 09/01/2023 - 22h30


Phillip Escaravage

David was a link for family who fell out of touch. He will be missed.

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