Member for

5 years 6 months
Submitted by katrina on Mon, 11/06/2023 - 12:09:PM

Fondly known as “Bob” by family and friends, passed away peacefully in Ottawa on November 3, 2023.  Predeceased by his parents Melville Green and Ruth Green, and his mother-in-law Sim Ying Leung Lai. Survived by his wife of 48 years, Paula, son Alexander, daughter-in-law Qing Hua, and grandchildren Henry and Conrad; sister Nancy (Doug) and brother Bruce (Manon) and their families. Dearly missed by his father-in-law Sau Nam Lai; sisters-in-law Rosita (Frank), Myrtle (Liu), Violet (Mansion), and Mona (Paul); brothers-in-law Michael (predeceased) (Karreen) and Gabriel; and his many nieces and nephews.

Bob left home in Montreal at the age of 16 to pursue his university studies, achieving a BSc (UNB), MSc & PhD (Queen’s) in Biochemistry, as well as a DPA (Carleton) & MBA (Ottawa) through part-time study. Building on his success in scientific and clinical research, combined with his superb analytical skills, Bob worked as a reviewer of drug and medication submissions at Health Canada for over 20 years. For a significant period, he acted as Section Chief, earning tremendous support and respect from his peers and colleagues.

Bob always had a keen interest in sports and music. He was a cross country runner, cross-lake swimmer, and a seasoned badminton player. He played the recorder beautifully and was a bass singer with a local community choir for years.

Bob volunteered as coach, score keeper, manager, and umpire for both baseball and badminton when his son was competing in these sports. He continued volunteering and coaching kids to teach them new skills. In retirement, he enjoyed travelling, going on cruises worldwide, live theatre, reading, and playing with his grandchildren.

Always socially and environmentally conscious, Bob was a local area coordinator, canvasser, or donor for many charities, notably: the Ontario Kidney Foundation, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Ecojustice, the Canadian Wildlife Federation, the Canadian Red Cross, and the Canadian Cancer Society. He was a regular blood donor with over 100 donations.

Bob’s signature beard, friendly and gentle disposition drew him close to a lot of people, especially children who often mistook him for Santa and were always happy to receive a knowing smile in return. Bob will always be remembered by those who have known him as a smart, kind, helpful, generous and humble individual.

You are invited to share your fond memories of Bob and expressions of sympathy at  In lieu of flowers, please support and contribute to dementia research or donate to a charity of your choice.  A private gathering to celebrate his life is planned for the summer of 2024.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 11/07/2023 - 06:39:PM


Jackie Hopkins

I had the pleasure of working with Bob and Paula in badminton through the Fallingbrook Badminton Club and the Ottawa District Badminton Association. He was so committed to the sport and was always ready to welcome anyone who wanted to play while never taking the game too seriously. I remember some fun games at Jeanne Sauvé where Bob got the best of me and took much joy from that. Thanks for the good times Bob! Rest In Peace my friend.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 11/07/2023 - 07:36:PM


Joseph Leung

I will always remember Uncle Bob for taking us on road trips to Montreal and Toronto to watch the Expos and Blue Jays, introduced the game to me to which I still enjoy today. The batting practices and throwing long fly balls to us to catch was my favorite. Uncle Bob also taught me how to skate and understood the game of hockey. Always very willing and patient to teach and more importantly made my childhood much more colorful in many ways.

Uncle Bob was always one of the smartest person I know and look up to growing up as I remember watching Jeopardy! together at their place and Uncle Bob would always get all the right “question” before the contestants. I try to emulate that in life which probably explains why I often have more questions than answers even now as I become a man, husband and father. If I pick the category “Impactful person in my life”, without a doubt, my response would be “Who is Uncle Bob?”.

You will be missed! May you rest in peace!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 11/07/2023 - 11:07:PM


Mansion Wong

For the past 32 years, we have 1500+ family dinners. We always sit next to each other and chat. I enjoyed the companionship. You will be missed dearly and will always be in my heart.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/08/2023 - 03:13:AM


Michael Tran

You will be so missed Bob! You were one of my badminton coaches and you were such a kind and gentle soul. You had the patience and care of such a loving father figure. Thank you for having an impact in my life. <3

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/08/2023 - 04:19:AM



Bob, you were a generous, caring & helpful person. When I brought my 2 kids, Louise and Joseph, along to settle in Ottawa in late 1990 whilst Paul stayed in HK to work, you all the time took good care of them like bringing them to library every week and guiding them to the right paths . You always offered us the rides between Ottawa airport and dad’s house. May you rest in peace ! You will be greatly missed by us all in Hong Kong and your kindness and gentle spirit will be remembered forever.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/08/2023 - 04:49:AM


Simon So

I was so saddened to hear this shocking news. My heart goes out to you at this time of grief. may you find peace and comfort in the memories of uncle Bob that you cherish in your heart.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/08/2023 - 09:31:PM



Bob is a dear member of the family. Always a joy to see him during family reunions. He was always kind and generous to everyone, without exception. We will surely, all miss him, very much.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/08/2023 - 09:59:PM


Samantha Lai

Though I never fell in love with the sport, Uncle Bob was the one who introduced me to badminton. At 12, I remembered being enrolled in the first and only badminton camp of my life and Uncle Bob being the most kind and encouraging coach anyone could ask for. He had a zest for life and he was always ready to share it with those around him.

For the year I spent in Ottawa, in-between skating and badminton trips, I remember Uncle Bob showing me pictures of gravestones of WWII soldiers he took pictures of while he was visiting Hong Kong. It was a personal project of some sort. I remembered him telling me, that he was uploading these to a website. Where lost relatives might someday be able to locate these soldiers who died abroad by looking at these pictures.

I didn't understand it then. But looking back, I think that was a profoundly meaningful and gentle act. And this is how I will remember Uncle Bob, as someone who cared, very deeply, and was kind to all.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 11/08/2023 - 10:15:PM



Uncle Bob, I have lots of fond memories of you. You are always kind and gentle, subtle and witty. I remember when my family came to visit Ottawa in 92, you took all the kids to the baseball game, to your parents lake cabin and we all had so much fun with you. You taught us how to play baseball. You love children, and would always strike up an interesting conversation with them. And children are always attracted to you because of your calm and gentle demeanor. You will be dearly missed by all of us.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 11/09/2023 - 12:54:AM


Sally Liang

I will miss your smile on the badminton court, Bob! I had a great time doing all the drills and trainings with you on the badminton court. We will miss you! Rest in peace!

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