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5 years 5 months
Submitted by masterfunerald… on Mon, 04/11/2022 - 09:19:AM

Born in Halifax N.S. August 26, 1946

Passed away on April 8, 2022 At the Perley Veterans Health where he had been residing since November 2021. He passed away from complications of Parkinson’s Disease.

He married Claire (Grenier) in 1969 and they had two children, Yvette (Dan Huot), and Robin (Laila). He was so very proud of both his children. He had three grandchildren, Ciara, Carina and Justin Huot. They were his shining stars and could always make him laugh.

Wayne joined the RCAF at the age of 16, and served for 45 years. He obtained 4 degrees during this time. He worked as the director of Human Performance and Health Promotion. He was an adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa and was an Honorary Professor at the Shenyang University in China.

After serving several years as a non-commissioned member of the Canadian Forces he received his commission and for most of his military career he served as a Physical Education and Recreation Officer, retiring with the rank of major. He was both a fitness expert and an accomplished athlete in multiple sports including football, karate, judo, volleyball, soccer, rugby and weightlifting. He excelled at almost every sport he played. His belief in Leadership by Example was a motto he followed throughout his military and civilian life.

He played a leading role in the conceptualization, research and development and implementation of the CF’s physical education and health promotion programs and physical fitness standards for the Canadian Army, Navy, and Air Force.

He was awarded the CF’s Medallion for Distinguished Service. He also received the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Medal for contributions in the founding of the “Soldier On” program for the CF’s caring for injured Canadian soldiers from the Afghanistan campaign.

After four years of theological training he was ordained a Deacon, and had liturgical and pastoral responsibilities in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ottawa and Good Shepherd Parish. He was a Spiritual Director for the Upper Room Home of Prayer in Ottawa and Cornwall, and an Appeals Speaker for the International Charity Organization, “Chalice”. He was a volunteer Military Chaplain in the Veterans Pastoral Outreach Program of the DND/VAC Centre in Ottawa, and a Chaplain at the Royal Ottawa Hospital and the Royal Ottawa Place. He also performed military funerals at Beechwood cemetery.

He is survived by siblings Tom (Gisele) Benson, Jack (Germaine) Lee, Donna LeBlanc, Leo, David, Linda (Larry) Guthrie, and Judy. He is predeceased by his parents Eva and Leo Lee, sisters Barbara Sturge, Pauline Mantley, Sheila Lee, and brothers Dennis and Roger. He also leaves behind many many nieces and nephews too numerous to mention.

Visitation for Wayne will take place at Beechwood Cemetery on Thursday April 21st from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. with the memorial service at their chapel at 1 p.m. Burial will follow in the Beechwood Cemetery followed by a reception in the Beechwood Reception rooms.

Donations can be made to the Michael J Fox Foundation in lieu of flowers.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/14/2022 - 08:40:AM


Greg Lagacé

A gentle giant! I met Wayne during the first-ever Soldier On event in 2007. We shared the same belief in the healing power of sport, so much so he recruited me to lead and direct the program after it was transferred over from the Canadian Paralympic Committee to PSP. He was such a kind and loving person, and instilled in me the confidence to shoot for the stars, as he would always say, cause even if you fall short, you are still among the stars. My condolences to the entire family. R.I.P Wayne.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/14/2022 - 12:06:PM


garry plant

So sorry to hear of Wayne’s passing ,we know it’s difficult when friends leave , it however gives us an opportunity to revisit in depth the many good times we’ve shared with them and imbed those times in our subconscious which throughout time prompt a silent prayer of thanks for having that friendship. Our deepest sympathy. Claire Jacques-Plant & Garry Plant

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/14/2022 - 02:00:PM


George Mooney

I met Wayne in CFB Cornwallis 1983?, he was giving the PERI’s a introduction workout to his new fitness idea; hydra fitness equipment…using his $13 words he proceeded to give us a new education in vocabulary and new fitness training. Kidding aside, Wayne was a true professional who elevated our knowledge which benefited the trade overall. I met Wayne numerous times over 39 years, played soccer with him as well. It was a pleasure to have known such a good person, and I know he’ll still be using those $13 words somewhere. R.I.P. Wayne…

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/14/2022 - 03:04:PM


Gaétan Melançon Maj (Retd)

Nous avons vécu de beaux moments ensemble dans les dernières vingt années à mettre au monde les PSP et je t'en remercie. Travailleur acharné, tu as toujours été un exemple pour tous car tu avais la vision nécessaire pour faire les changements requis pour les tests de conditions physiques qu'exigeaient les militaires. Doué pour la recherche, tout le monde tu faisais confiance car ta droiture était irréprochable. Tu va nous manquer.

It was an honour and a pleasure to work with Dr. Wayne Lee. To Claire, Yvette, Robin and the grandchildren, please accept my sincere condolences for your loss. Rest In Peace Wayne.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/14/2022 - 03:06:PM


Earle Morris

I had the pleasure and privilege of serving with Wayne in the PE& R Branch as well as with PSP. He was a great colleague who I looked up to and an even better friend whose company I enjoyed on many occasions. The measure of a man is often how far they have come as opposed to where they finished off. Wayne will be remembered by me for both. He started from very humble beginnings joining the RCAF in the maritimes and finished by excelling in so many areas of life. Within DND he became the subject matter expert for all things pertaining to fitness testing, training and research concepts and willingly shared his expertise with our allies. His briefings and presentations always reflected thorough understanding, calm professsionalism and passion for this important subject. Much of the credit for the growth of the emphasis on physical fitness within DND must be attributed to Dr Wayne Lee. And he lived what he was preaching as he was always in superb physical condition and was one of the best athletes the CF has ever witnessed. His capacity for challenge and leadership never wavered as he continued to be actively engaged in the church and the fitness community upon his retirement from DND. Above all else he was so proud of his family and always enjoyed talking about them and singing their praises. Not a day goes by that I don't think of my friend, colleague and hero - Dr Wayne Lee. RIP

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/14/2022 - 04:47:PM


LCol Brian Wheeler, CD, (Ret.)

I am so sad today to read of Wayne's passing. I too was fortunate to have undergone Basic Officer Training with Wayne at Camp Borden, ON, during the summer of 1973. Wayne’s outstanding leadership and mentoring skills were clearly evident at that time. His positive and caring outlook made a lasting impact on each of us. May Deacon Wayne be in God’s hands.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 04/15/2022 - 06:34:AM


Sue Bland

I met Wayne when I entered the RCIA in 2000. Wayne was a mentor, Facilitator, kind & compassionate person. I will never forget him, he was an amazing person who cared about everyone who were lucky enough to know him.
RIP Wayne

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 04/15/2022 - 07:23:AM


Carla Ryan Findley

To Claire and Family: In this time of personal loss, know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Wayne has left us with so many wonderful memories. You have my deepest sympathy.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 04/15/2022 - 01:39:PM


Steven Hughes

I knew Wayne as a Deacon and fellow member of the Knights of Columbus at Good Shepherd Parish in Blackburn Hamlet. We had many deep and personal conversations during his time at Good Shepherd. We will miss him dearly.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 04/15/2022 - 03:01:PM


Cheryl Dianne Mifflen

I am so sorry for your loss, he was a great man. He shared his life with family , friends & his peers. He will be missed. Be strong knowing you are in our thoughts & you are loved. God Bless .

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