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5 years 6 months
Submitted by benoit on Tue, 07/16/2024 - 07:34:AM

John will be remembered lovingly and missed by family, friends and particularly by Colette his wife. He had a liberal arts education with concentrations in Political Science and English Literature which prepared him for executive positions in the public and private sector spanning more than 30 years.

What were the guiding principles that gave direction to his life? First, John believed life was to be lived, opportunities seized and new experiences relished. Not a life of passivity but one that seeks meaning. Learning was an essential part of life, to listen attentively, to join the inquisitive conversation and to assess the passage of time with an eye to the future. Secondly, he was a man committed to public service as almost a vocation: building a country, the basic goodness of men/women, the term common good being wide and inclusive. Beyond a career in public service in seven federal departments, he was a Board member/officer on organisations that ministered to the homeless and those persons with specialised health needs, for example, Options Bytown, Saint Patrick's Home, Bruyere Continuing Care.

Without naming individuals, family members and the many, many friends who helped shape his life, some of whom were instrumental in helping him to depart with peace and dignity, let this brief obituary record his abiding gratitude for your support and cherished love... You are not forgotten.

Friends are invited to visit the Beechwood National Memorial Centre, 280 Beechwood Ave. on Monday September 9th after 12 noon, Memorial Service will be held in the Sacred Space at 1 p.m. followed by a reception.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 08/28/2024 - 10:12:AM


Salim and Tami Hanna

Our sincere condolences to Collette and John’s family. John was a kind, gentle and caring person. He with a group sponsored and supported four of my relatives to escape the civil war in Syria and start a new life in Canada. May his memory be eternal.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/30/2024 - 10:27:AM


Andrew Pirowski

John was a friendly, witty and principled man and he will be missed.
Collete, I am so sorry for your loss.

Andrew Pirowski

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/08/2024 - 06:07:AM


Christine Greco et Eric Fauconnier

A mon oncle,
Aussitôt, je ne pensais pas écrire un hommage à toi, mon oncle du Canada.
Que de bons moments passés avec vous lors de ma venue à Ottawa, votre accueil chaleureux m’a beaucoup touché. Néanmoins je n’oublie pas tes dernières années dans la maladie, la même qui a emporté papa. Je bénis le ciel de t’avoir rappelé avant de connaître d’autres souffrances, te voilà en paix.
Je rassemble mes souvenirs et celui qui est le plus profond, notre première rencontre, la présentation à la famille, vos fiançailles. Quel beau couple vous étiez à mes yeux d’enfant et quel beau couple vous êtes restés Colette et toi.
Il y a des rencontres qui laissent un sentiment de plénitude, de sérénité et de fraternité.
Cette rencontre humaine fût d’une grande authenticité où se souvenir des belles choses resteront éternellement dans nos cœurs.
Christine et Éric

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/08/2024 - 02:29:PM


Famille Fauconnier Zaïre

Cher John,

Nous sommes plein de gratitude d'avoir partagé de beaux et doux moments en ta compagnie.
Nous gardons précieusement l'enseignement que tu nous as transmis au travers de ta générosité, de ton élégance et de l'intérêt sans limite que tu portais aux autres, pleine d'humanité et d'altruisme.

Nous pensons très fort à Colette que nous serrons fort sur notre coeur.

Avec toute notre affection,

Apolline, Lysandre, Jean-Christophe & Audrey

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/08/2024 - 04:02:PM



To my beloved godfather, thank you for all the lessons you've taught me. I also thank you for your gentleness, your wisdom, your patience and your love. You were a lighthouse in my life and I was so proud to know you. I wish to all human beings to have the chance to know a godfather as wonderful as you were to me. A small part of me has gone with you, and I will miss you infinitely. I'll make you proud and I'll never forget you. Take good care of Colette and rest in peace.
I’ll promise to keep the morning pancakes tradition exactly the same as you used to make it.
Your goddaughter who loves you forever❤️

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/09/2024 - 02:38:AM



C'est avec une immense tristesse que je rends hommage aujourd'hui à John, un homme admirable, rempli de bienveillance et de sagesse.

Lors de nos discussions, il savait écouter avec une attention rare, toujours curieux et ouvert à l'échange. Sa gentillesse, son intelligence et son humour rendaient chaque moment partagé précieux.

John restera à jamais gravé dans nos mémoires. Sa vie, marquée par son engagement dans le service public et son désir profond de bâtir un monde meilleur, est une source d'inspiration pour tous ceux qui ont eu la chance de le connaître.

Je pense particulièrement à toi Colette, sa compagne de vie, à qui je souhaite tout le courage et l'amour possible en ces moments difficiles.

Même si je ne peux être présente aujourd'hui pour la commémoration, mon cœur et mes pensées vous accompagnent, toi, Colette, et toute votre famille et vos amis.

Que John repose en paix, entouré de tout l'amour qu'il a donné.

Je vous aime fort !


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/09/2024 - 07:50:AM


Lars and Satya Brink

We will miss you dear friend and you will be remembered with affection.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/09/2024 - 09:52:AM


Bob Plaseski

My heartfelt condolences to Colette. John was a good friend, colleague, mentor and a true gentleman.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 09/09/2024 - 10:54:AM


Nametullah Hanna

John was a great person and sponsored me with another 3 cousins to come to Canada and saved us from the war in Syria and when we arrived to Canada he also took care of us for the first year with other sponsors and showed us the right ways to live in Canada
May god bless his soul

Sorry for your loss Colette

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