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5 years 6 months
Submitted by benoit on Tue, 02/13/2024 - 02:58:PM

On January 30th, Westboro lost a legend, Clifford Desjardins. Throughout some 30 years of his 68, Clifford was a smiling fixture in the hood in his tie dye t-shirts and ball cap.

Clifford loved the outdoors and walked countless miles with his walker. Lately, with his power wheelchair, he was known to go offroad to get to the perfect spot. Clifford’s generosity knew no bounds with his Westboro family and friends. We cherished his weekly breakfasts and holiday gatherings where he brought his wisdom and of course, his sense of humour. He is missed and very much loved by all of us and the animals he so adored.

We will be celebrating the life of a man who climbed a mountain every day of his life. Please join us on Sunday, February 11th at Westboro Beach from 4:30-5:30pm




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