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5 years 6 months
Submitted by katrina on Thu, 05/23/2024 - 10:42:AM

It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Patrick (Pat) Martin Cummins of Ottawa at the age of 79.  He died Saturday, May 18, 2024 in the ICU of the Brampton Civic Hospital following emergency surgery for an abdominal aortic aneurysm.  He was surrounded by his wife of 52 years, Dianne (Bonsor), daughters, Julie Sinclair and Carolyn Cummins, son-in-law Dan Adamson, and grandchildren, Toby and Tyler Adamson and Corbin and Quinn Sinclair. He is predeceased by his beloved son-in-law, Brian Sinclair.

Pat was born in Saskatoon and raised in Blucher, Saskatchewan, the eldest son of Thomas Cummins and Cathleen Callaghan and beloved older brother of Gerald Cummins. Pat attended boarding school in Zenon Park, SK and studied history and philosophy at St Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan. He joined the RCMP in 1967 and was selected to attend law school at McGill University earning his LLB and BCL. While in Vancouver, BC (1990-1994) he served as OIC of Contract Policing, he relocated to Ottawa in 1994 to serve as Director of Training and then in 1997 became the first Ethics Advisor of the RCMP.  He was promoted to Assistant Commissioner in 1994 and retired in 2001 after 35 years of service. Among the highlights of his distinguished career, he was awarded the Commissioner’s Commendation (1983) for leading a high-profile fraud investigation into international Customs law that led to the then largest ever fine in the history of Canada for a criminal conviction; he helped investigate the high profile 1985 Air India bombing, and years later shared this expertise, joining the Lockerbie Pan Am disaster investigation.

In 1970, the summer before starting law school, Pat met Dianne at the Cock‘n Bull Pub in Montreal. He immediately knew she would be the woman he would marry and thus researched the British Columbia marriage laws early on in their courtship. A man of integrity, he abided by Dianne’s “must date for at least two years before marriage” rule, and they wed June 24, 1972 in New Westminster, BC.  

In 2003, Pat happily accepted the invitation to come out of retirement and re-engage with the RCMP as a temporary civilian member and was appointed Tribunal Investigator in the Republic of Ireland. Pat and Dianne lived in Dublin for the next four years, weekending and vacationing across Europe.  Pat regarded this time as his ‘second honeymoon’.  Once back in Canada, Pat enjoyed retirement by volunteering for Perley Health for the past 20 years transporting veterans to and from Mass, chronically fixing his 1989 LeSharo Winnebago, fishing with close friends on the Serpentine River in Newfoundland, exploring his genealogy, travelling and cruising with Dianne, watching his grandchildren play hockey, spending Christmas holidays with family at Montebello and sampling his extensive Scotch collection. 

Pat had an insatiable curiosity and expressed a real desire to help others. As an avid reader, it could be difficult to get his attention when he was engrossed in a newspaper, magazine, or history book. He was an exceptional listener who would provide sound counsel on a wide range of topics. With an occasional sideways glance and gruff chuckle, he served to remind us not to take a situation or oneself too seriously. He had the endearing quality of ‘dropping in’ on people, unannounced, especially at suppertime, much to Dianne’s chagrin. Pat’s greatest gift was connecting with people. He easily built friendships and actively maintained connections, sending over 200 Christmas cards annually to relatives and friends. He will be remembered as a true gentleman - kind, intelligent, curious, caring, with a great sense of humour - who touched the lives of everyone he met. 

We would like to thank the Toronto Paramedic Service paramedics and the doctors, nurses and healthcare staff at the Brampton Civic Hospital who cared for Pat and showed us much compassion.

Family and friends are invited to join us in honouring Pat’s memory at a public visitation to be held at the Beechwood National Memorial Centre, 280 Beechwood Avenue, on June 5th from 5-7 pm. A memorial service will be held on June 6th at 1 pm with a reception from 2-5 pm.  For those unable to attend in person, a live stream link will be available on the Beechwood website.

In memory of Pat, donations made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be greatly appreciated.

The Funeral Service for Pat Cummins (

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 05/27/2024 - 06:03:PM



We have been privileged to have known such an honourable, kind man in Pat and that we were counted as his good friends. We are left with happy memories of him.

"Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/29/2024 - 08:18:PM


Louis René Garceau

Il était avec moi au Détachement de Trois Rivières, il a fait parti de mon escorte à mon mariage à St Georges de Beauce puis je l’ai perdu de vue et finalement pour le retrouver à mon 50 e anniversaire de mariage à Beloeil ou j’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrerj son épouse. Toujours à l’écoute ce Pat et un gentleman.
Mes plus sincères condoléances à son épouse et à toute sa famille

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 05/30/2024 - 08:30:PM


Leanne Weatherald

Dianne, Julie, Carolyn and families
So very sorry to you all for the loss of an incredible man.
I have so many memories of Pat. Growing up his was a big cousin that always had time to listen and give advice. The pleasure us local gals had in creating the “Honeymoon Cottage” is certainly a highlight! Dianne, you were such a good sport! The many visits in Vancouver, at the farm, in Ottawa, always were full of laughter, stories and are now extra special memories. May God grant you all peace and surround you with his Grace. Love and hugs

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/31/2024 - 10:51:AM


Garry and Maddi Fitzpatrick

We just met both of you on board the Queen Mary 11 but spent a lot of time together as Pat and Garry were 2 men and 15 women. Those odds were quite demanding but Pat's spirit, warmth and intelligence always shone through. He will certainly be remembered for many facets of life.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/31/2024 - 11:42:AM


Bob Rivard

Dear Dianne,
Long Time no see! Mais que de souvenirs me viennent à l’esprit! J’ai connu Pat à son arrivée au détachement de Trois-Rivières vers 1967-68. Pat aimait les gens et les gens l’aimait. Il laissait sa marque, c’était un homme d’exception! Sous ses conseils et influence, j’ai pu réaliser mon rêve et devenir en 1972 un membre de la GRC. À noter que notre fils unique est aussi membre de la GRC.
Lors de son passage à Trois-Rivières, Pat est “devenu” non seulement un membre de la famille de Gaston Chevalier mais aussi de cette grande famille des Chevalier, Rivard, Roof et Dubord. Je me rappelle de nos voyages en auto de Montréal West à Cap de la Madeleine pour des visites de week-ends ou pour les réunions de la période des Fêtes, pas de besoin de radio!
Dianne, c’est avec tristesse qu’au nom de la famille des Chevalier, Rivard, Roof et Dubord, que mon épouse Hélène et moi vous souhaitons à toi et ta famille nos plus sincères condoléances.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 05/31/2024 - 03:22:PM


Amira Klip

Dear Carolyne, truly sorry to hear about the loss of your dear father. His obituary highlights the qualities I enjoyed in my own father. They leave a big void in our lives but also the big gift of their wisdom.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 06/02/2024 - 07:08:PM


Stanley Wilcox

Dianne and family,
I just learned of Pat’s passing and I was shocked and taken aback. Over the years, and in a given time Pat and I worked together, I never met a more gentle and caring man. Pat always had consideration for those with whom he was associated. He was a professional in all manners of his life through his career, his family and associates and friends. A nicer, more gentle man is difficult to find. Gloria and I offer our deepest condolences and wishes that you may find inordinate strength in this difficult time you are facing. With sympathy, Stan & Gloria

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 06/02/2024 - 09:21:PM


The Rankins - Norm, Maureen, Danielle and Amy

Dianne, Julie, Carolyn and Dan and Toby, Tyler Corbin and Quinn
We are saddened by Pat's sudden passing. We are fortunate to have many wonderful memories and have benefited in numerous ways from having Pat as an important part of our lives.

Let us cherish those memories and continue his legacy by being the family and friends that
he has touched and guided.. Moe and Norm will remember many occasions when we enjoyed Pat's chuckle, sense of humour, kindness and willingness to help from the McGill Law school, as one of our "best men" at our wedding and visits to Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver , Toronto and Dublin. it was always a pleasure to receive Dianne' and Pat's welcoming kindness and generosity.
We will miss Pat dearly. We are very fortunate to have been touched by his many talents and look forward to keeping his memory alive by continuing our friendship with the family.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 06/03/2024 - 05:13:PM


Mike Gaudet

Dear Dianne & family. It is with surprise and sadness that I learned of Pat’s passing! As a retired member of the RCMP, I have great memories of having worked for Pat when he was Director of Training in HQ - Ottawa. To this day, I’ve always had the greatest respect and regard for Pat. Please accept my deepest sympathies.

Mike Gaudet, C/Supt. (rtd.)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 06/04/2024 - 02:39:PM


Christiane Charron

You will be missed Pat... by me, and many other Perley Health volunteers..
My prayers are with your family and friends..

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