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5 years 6 months
Submitted by justine on Tue, 03/05/2024 - 03:00:PM

Anand Acharya passed away peacefully at home on March 3, 2024 at the age of 55, after an almost two-year battle with brain cancer surrounded by his wife and daughters. He remained unbelievably positive and accepting throughout his journey and lived each day to the fullest, spending his time with family and friends, travelling, biking, paddle boarding, walking, skating and reading. Two days prior to his passing, when the doctor asked him how he was doing he told her with all sincerity that “he was living his best life ever”. While he reached great heights in his professional life including being a Captain in the RCAF on the C130, obtaining a PhD in Economics from Carleton and being an Air Canada pilot on the Boeing 777, the thing he was most proud of was his family which he always made his top priority. He is survived by his wife (Kusum), his daughters (Nina and Jasmine), his sister (Anjali) and his parents (Padma and Jana). His wish was to be remembered and not mourned. To this end, a Remembrance of Life will be held at the Beechwood National Memorial Centre, 280 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa on Sunday, March 10th, 2024 from 12:00 to 3:00 pm.

In lieu of flowers, donations for research may be made in Anand’s name to the Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada


Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 09:48:AM


Sam Thiara

Anand and I grew up together and our families were always so close. I always smile knowing that a couch purchase brought our family together when Anand was an infant and through the years, spending time on their farm, his life in 4H, academics and just the times in his presence. I feel blessed that I got to be a part of his life and see him grow into a notable individual with a beautiful family. I was in Ottawa about 2 years ago and got to see Anand and Kusum and I reflect on the time we spent together and my last visit with Anand. The cherished memories are what I carry forward and I offer strength to Kusum, Nina and Jasmine. Anjali always kept me updated. l want to leave you with Shanti aur pyaar (with peace and gratitude).

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 12:33:PM


Gennady Shaikhet family

Anand had a unique ability to touch the lives of everyone around him with his humour, enthusiasm, and wisdom, and I was no exception. As a new professor at Carleton, new to Canada, I met him in my class on my very first day at 8:30 in the morning. About half an hour into the class, a fire alarm went off - we all had to get out and spent the next hour talking informally and getting to know each other. And that’s how our friendship began. In and out of classrooms, across different courses, and during his doctoral committees, and grant applications, our bond grew stronger.

I’m not entirely sure who was teaching whom. Technically, I was the professor, but Anand, a bit older and a pilot and plane captain, had so much to share about everything. He made me feel welcome here! Every time I had a chance to talk to him, I was repeatedly fascinated by his wisdom and his eagerness (and fearlessness!) to learn new things. Perhaps I’ve taught Anand a few things about probability theory and statistics, but he has undoubtedly taught me much more. His guidance and support extended not only to me but also to my wife and kids. I am forever grateful to Anand, Kusum, and their daughters for the family visits and invitations, spanning from the 2010s until very recently. Anand, you’ve played a huge role in all our lives, and we will always remember you, and miss you!

Our condolences go out to Kusum, Nina, Jasmin, and all of Anand’s family. 

Gennady and Alina Shaikhet

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 12:55:PM


Vandana & Nikhil Keny

I am Anand’s maternal aunt. Though Anand was my nephew, he was only 7 years younger to me. When he used to come to India on vacation with his parents and Anjali, we used to have lots of fun roaming around the big garden and patting, feeding the cows, etc. What I liked the most about Anand was his enthusiasm to get to know how people in different countries live. He was particularly interested in knowing Indian education system. We used to feel sad when he had to go back to Canada. My mother was a big fan of her first grandson.

When Anand was getting married, my son Nikhil was about 4 years old. He was so excited to attend Anand Anna’s wedding, that he sat in a suitcase and said he is going to the Cananda.

The last time I met Anand and family was at a family wedding in Texas. When I was looking for a ride to the airport, Anand immediately offered ride to me and my son Nikhil. That is how loving, helpful and kindhearted human being he is.

Anand chose the most divine timing 3/3 portal to transition into the higher vibration realm peacefully and carried all wonderful happy memories with him being on mother earth.

Dear Padmakka, JanaBhavaji, Anjali, Kusum, Nina, Jasmine: I can’t really imagine what you must be feeling. Nikhil and I pray to grant you the strength during this irreplaceable loss. Anand always lives in your hearts. Please remember this. I know Anand wants all of you to take good care of yourselves.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 05:05:PM


Sarah Brennan

On behalf of the TRIDENT research team at Western University, please accept our heartfelt condolences. Anand's family is in our constant thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 06:08:PM


Roger Allison

My sincere condolences for your loss. I flew with Anand on several occasions. He was a true professional and I loved working with him. The most memorable flight was when Kusum was dealing with a medical emergency in the back and we had new born Nina in the flight deck babysitting her for a few hours. Just passed her back and forth and she was a pleasure. Still looking for the picture I have. He will be missed.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 06:30:PM


Padma Acharya

My dear Anand, you are the best son mother could ever have. I am so very fortunate.
Now that you have departed on a flight to far off place, you will live in my heart forever. I will cherish the 55(almost 56) years of your love and wonderful memories and keep them with me forever. I love forever my son.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 07:35:PM


Bob and Sharon Vroom

We never met Anand but feel like we knew him through his parents, Jana and Padma. So very many of the family's stories and accomplishments have been shared with us through the years and now we share in Jana and Padma's profound sadness.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 08:21:PM


Kent Davis

I did not know you but to pass at such a youthful age is terrible. Remember as you get older; do not complain about getting older as there are so many who did not get that chance.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 08:48:PM


Brian Murray

I am greatly Saddened by the news of Anands passing ,will his family please accept my sincere condolences .I had the pleasure of flying with Anand many times at Air Canada .Really enjoyed it ,one of the best first officers I ever flew with ,can’t say how shocked I am to hear he is gone at such a young age .You lose touch when you retire ,I was not aware he was Ill.,he always spoke loving of his family …god speed brother ..

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/08/2024 - 08:58:PM



Thinking of Anand brings a smile to my face, he was a wonderful guy to work with on the A320, he also was a skilled story teller, one story that comes to mind was when he was traveling in the southern US and he went out for some BBQ. A Brilliant man.

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