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5 years 6 months
Submitted by amber on Sun, 05/21/2023 - 03:21:PM

Passed away peacefully at St. Patrick’s Home of Ottawa on Friday, May 19th, 2023, at the age of 78, following a decade-long battle with frontotemporal dementia.

Born in Cochrane, Ontario, he was the son of Gracia Barrette (née Girard) and Ludger Barrette. He is survived by his wife Madeleine Caron, his two children, Joël Barrette (Roberta) and Valérie Barrette (Brendan Sutton), his four grandchildren, Isabelle and Samuel Barrette and Émile and Toulouse Sutton as well as his sister Mionne Bradette (Raymond) and several nephews and nieces. He was predeceased by his sister Lina Lefebvre, his brother Lucien Barrette, his sister-in-law Réjeanne Barrette (née Dupuis), his brother-in-law Hans Hietala and his niece Joëlle Granger.

He was a passionate man. His keen interest in gastronomy, politics, history, hockey and travel fueled many memorable moments and lively conversations. He was a devoted teacher and the hundreds of students who passed through Mr. Denis’ class will remember his commitment, his sense of humor and his creativity.

His family wishes to thank the staff members of St Patrick’s Home who have cared for Denis with utmost dedication throughout his stay at the residence, in particular Masa Yamanaka, Mary Grace Isais, Quinette Epelle, Chris Tejano, Sarah Watson and Beatriz Rodrigues.  Special thanks to Elena Hillyard who greatly enhanced Denis’ quality of life over the last few years.

A Memorial Ceremony will be held at Beechwood, Funeral, Cemetery and Cremation Services (280 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa) on Wednesday, May 31st, 2023 at 1:00 PM.

In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to Carefor, a local charitable organization providing support services and respite care for individuals struggling with dementia, as well as their caregivers.


Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 05/29/2023 - 12:20:PM


Claire Lepage Mitchell

Mes sincères sympathies chère Madeleine et famille.

Mes souvenirs de Denis sont d'un collègue de travail généreux, attentionné, très intelligent.
Il nous faisait rire dans la salle des enseignants, même Soeur Cécile.
Denis était adoré et respecté par ses élèves.
Ses nombreux talents artistiques lui avaient servis afin de produire plusieurs des albums de finissants de l'intermédiaire Mgr-Lemieux des années 1970-1980.
Repose en paix Denis.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/30/2023 - 06:33:AM


Christine, Jeff, Grace & Gabrielle Maidment

Our sincere condolences to Joel, Roberta, Isabelle, Samuel, and extended family.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/30/2023 - 12:24:PM


Therese Boyer

J`ai eu la chance de partager de bons moments avec Denis tout au long de sa vie professionnelle et personnelle. J’ai été privilégiée d`avoir pu profiter de son grand talent de cuisinier plus souvent qu`à mon tour car il m’invitait souvent à partager le repas qu’il avait mijoté pour lui et Mado. C’est Den qui m`a guidé dans mes premiers enseignements en sciences familiales en me suggérant des projets à réaliser par les élèves ou en me donnant de petits trucs pour préparer des plats avec mes élèves. Denis était un homme passionné qui profitait pleinement de tous les moments et expériences que la vie lui procurait.
Repose en paix Den.
Ton amie, parfois complice
Thérèse ou Terrasse comme tu aimais m`appeler pour me faire rire.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/30/2023 - 08:09:PM


Diane Boyer

Bonjour Madeleine
Je t'offre mes plus sincères condoléances pour le départ de Denis. C'est une personne qui semait la bonne humeur autour de lui. J'ai grandement apprécié le cotoyer lors de nos années d'enseignement et de formation. Une personne qu'on n"oublie pas! prends bien soin de toi et de tes proches.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/31/2023 - 08:31:AM


Richard Caron

La fin d'un voyage,
Le début d'un autre...

A tantôt, "Mon Beau".

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 05/31/2023 - 10:41:AM


Marcin Padlewski

M Barrette was truly a great teacher, going far beyond the standard curriculum of the day. He inspired us and opened our eyes to the world. He was instrumental in laying the foundations for independent critical thinking at the most impressionable time of our lives. We will miss him.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 06/05/2023 - 03:19:PM


Robert Paradis

Mr Barrette possédait l’abilité d’inspiré n’importe qui avec son sens d’humour et son attitude relaxant. Il me donnait toute son attention et me faisait sentir apprécié dans sa classe.
Avec amour,
‘Bob, mon beau’.

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