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Submitted by jessy on Thu, 02/23/2023 - 12:19:PM

Denise died peacefully at home, surrounded by her loved ones, at the age of 75. Spouse, mother and adored grandmother, she was brilliant, caring and so kind.

Born on September 20, 1947, Denise grew up in Quebec City and Château-d’Eau. She was educated by Ursuline nuns, then at Saint-Jean-Eudes college, where she was one of the first young women admitted to its classical studies program. She obtained an M.A. in Art History from the University of Montreal. Denise then moved to Ottawa to teach at Algonquin College before pursuing a career at the National Gallery of Canada, where she was curator of modern Canadian art until her retirement in 2011.

At the Gallery, she organized the exhibitions The Crisis of Abstraction in Canada: The 1950s (1992), Prelude to Automatism (1994), Robert Murray: From Workshop to Factory (1999), Alex Colville: Milestones (2000), The 60s in Canada (2005), and the installation project combining indigenous and settler art known as Art of this Land. Denise’s work lives on in her acquisitions and publications, which represent a significant contribution to Canadian art history.

Over forty years ago, Denise met Murray Wilson and it was love at first sight. From their union were born their daughters Ariel and Alexandra. Together, they traveled across Canada, the United States and the world. Denise's broad interests ranged from politics to literature, from film to international cuisines.

Denise is survived by her husband Murray, her daughters Ariel and Alexandra, her son-in-law Marc, her grandchildren Evelyne and Félix, her brothers Jacques and Guy and their spouses. She also leaves her nephews and nieces from the Forgues, Leclerc and Wilson families, as well as other relatives and friends. Her mother Pauline Couture, her father Jules Leclerc, her sister Jacqueline Forgues (née Leclerc) and her brother-in-law Yvan Forgues predeceased her.

A celebration of life will be held in the Sacred Space of Beechwood Funeral, Cemetery and Cremation Services on Friday, March 17 at 2 pm. The family will receive condolences at 1 pm. Those who wish to honor her memory can do so by making a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society.


Denise est décédée paisiblement à la maison, entourée de ses proches, à l’âge de 75 ans. Conjointe, mère et grand-maman adorée, elle était brillante, attentionnée et d’une grande gentillesse.

Née le 20 septembre 1947, Denise grandit dans les villes de Québec et de Château-d’Eau. Éduquée auprès des Ursulines, elle poursuivit ses études au Collège Saint-Jean-Eudes, où elle fut une des deux premières jeunes filles admises au cours classique. Elle obtint une maîtrise en histoire de l’art à l’Université de Montréal. Elle déménagea à Ottawa pour enseigner au collège Algonquin avant de faire carrière au Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, où elle était conservatrice de l’art canadien moderne jusqu’à sa retraite en 2011.

Au musée, Denise organisa les expositions La crise de l’abstraction au Canada. Les années cinquante (1992), Prélude à l’automatisme (1994), Robert Murray. De l’atelier à l’usine (1999), Alex Colville. Jalons (2000) ainsi que Les années soixante au Canada (2005). Elle organisa aussi le projet d'installation mêlant art autochtone et colonisateur connu sous le nom d’Art d’ici. L’apport remarquable de Denise se perpétue dans ses acquisitions et publications, qui représentent une contribution significative à l'histoire de l'art au Canada.

Il y a plus de quarante ans, Denise rencontra Murray Wilson et ce fut le coup de foudre. De leur union sont nées leurs filles Ariel et Alexandra. Ensemble, ils voyagèrent à travers le Canada, les États-Unis et le monde. Les vastes intérêts de Denise variaient de la politique à la littérature, du cinéma à l’exploration des cuisines du monde.

Denise laisse dans le deuil son conjoint Murray, ses filles Ariel et Alexandra, son gendre Marc, ses petits-enfants Evelyne et Félix, ses frères Jacques et Guy et leurs conjointes. Elle laisse également ses neveux et nièces des familles Forgues, Leclerc et Wilson ainsi que d’autres parents et ami(e)s. Sa mère Pauline Couture, son père Jules Leclerc, sa sœur Jacqueline Forgues (née Leclerc) et son beau-frère Yvan Forgues sont décédés avant elle.

Une célébration de vie aura lieu dans l'Espace Sacré de Beechwood Services funéraires, cimetière et crémation vendredi, le 17 mars, à 14h. La famille recevra les condoléances à compter de 13h. Ceux qui veulent honorer sa mémoire peuvent le faire en faisant un don à la Société canadienne du cancer.



Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 03/02/2023 - 10:57:AM


Claude Tousignant

Tous mes contacts avec Denise ont eu lieu dans une atmosphère de professionnalisme impeccable et de convivialité totale.
Mes plus sincères condoléances.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 11:02:AM


Cécile Buteau

Toutes mes sympathies! Attentionnée, elle savait écouter. Son sourire était contagieux. Bon courage!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 02:45:PM


Christopher Davidson

To Murray and family, please accept my deepest of condolences on your terrible loss. My heart goes out to your and yours.

Denise offered me my first permanent curatorial job on my birthday in 2008, and was my supervisor for three amazing years until her retirement. She was the first and only curator who truly championed my abilities at the National Gallery of Canada. Denise brought me on specifically to work on her 1970s conceptual art exhibition which was supposed to be a follow-up to her much lauded 1960s show, The 60s in Canada (2005), but that project was unfortunately, and systemically, squashed. In the three years I worked for her, it felt like I completed another Masters degree in Modern Canadian Art under her guidance and support. She was kind, strong, warm, exciting (and excitable), intelligent, and unwavering in her dedication to and passion for modern art in Quebec and Canada. Her rapport with artists, their families, and collectors alike was inspiring. Her laugh - her glorious laugh - was nothing but infectious. And her immense pride and love for her husband and daughters always shone brightly. She wasn’t just my supervisor… she was my mentor, friend, and "work mom”. Rest in Power, Denise. Je t’aime.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/03/2023 - 10:01:PM


Francine Périnet

Cher Murray, Ariel et Alexandra,
Je vous offre mes plus sincères condoléances. Denise était une amie chère, rencontrée à l’U. De MTL lors de nos études en histoire de l’art. C’était une de ces amitiés formatrices où nous avons partagé des moments cruciaux, des expériences décisives et de précieux souvenirs. Nous nous sommes éloignées l’une de l’autre sans perdre l’affection que j’avais pour elle. Je pense à vous tous et surtout à toi Murray en ces moments difficiles.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 03/05/2023 - 09:48:AM


Emily Tolot

So sorry to hear of your loss. Denise was indeed brilliant, caring and kind

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/06/2023 - 08:11:PM


Martin Conboy

I was very sorry to the news of Denise's death. My memory of her will always include her wonderful open smile twinkllin eyes. So sad to hear of her passing.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 03/07/2023 - 03:08:PM


Charlie Hill

What can one add to all the wonderful tributes already sent by friends and colleagues? Like them, it is Denise's smile that first comes to mind, her laughter and joy in life, work and family. Denise first came to the National Gallery in 1974 and later moved to Canadian curatorial where I had the privilege and pleasure to work with her for over twenty years. I was flipping through her catalogue "Crisis of Abstraction in the 1950s" and was struck by the wealth of works she later acquired for the Gallery. Her publications and these art works are her legacy to us all and ensure a form of eternity to mark her intelligence, hard work and keen perception. Thank you Denise. Charlie

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 03/13/2023 - 04:58:PM


Ann Thomas

Thank you dear Denise for the exuberant laughter, excellent conversation and enduring friendship. You, your love of life and your contributions to the National Gallery of Canada as an educator and curator will not be forgotten. My heartfelt sympathy to Murray, Ariel, Alexandre, the grandchildren and all her family members of whom she spoke so lovingly and with such pride.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 03/14/2023 - 08:53:AM


Elizabeth (Betty) Forgues

Murray, Ariel et Alexandra

Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères condoléances suite au décès de Denise.

Elizabeth Forgues et Gilles Samson

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 03/16/2023 - 08:02:PM


Guy Gratton

Mes plus sincères condoléances a Murray et la famille, j'ai eu le grand plaisir de travailler avec Denise pendant plusieures annees au Musee. Comme la plupart de nous, on se souviendra bien de son sourire et son rire qui etaient contagieux et de bon coeur.

Guy Gratton

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