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5 years 6 months
Submitted by bryan on Sat, 01/07/2023 - 03:29:PM

James Patrick Joseph Hickey was born 19 July 1972 in Sydney, Nova Scotia.  He grew up in Port Hawksbury, Nova Scotia.  Upon high school graduation, he attended Cape Breton University graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in 1995.  After several years working in the private sector, he enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces on 17 January 2002 as an army logistics officer.  Following completion of basic and language training, he was posted for a short period of time to CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick, followed by a posting to 2 Service Battalion in Petawawa, Ontario where he deployed on Operation STRUCTURE, the armed forces response to the tsunamis that battered Southeast Asia in December of 2004.  In 2006 he was posted to Ottawa where he filled several different military roles, deployed to Afghanistan, and deployed on his second humanitarian mission, this time to Haiti.  While in Ottawa, he married his sweetheart of eight years, Nicole Julliette Viau.  They would later become the proud parents of two lovely daughters, Emma, born in Ottawa and Bethany, born in New Brunswick.  The next 13 years would see the family move three more times across the country finally landing back in Ottawa.  James often spoke fondly of his wife and daughters and the joy and excitement they would bring into his life.  He was a loving father, a patriotic officer, and a faithful friend who humbly served his family, his country, and many others abroad.  James is survived by his wife Nicole, daughters Emma and Bethany, parents John and Betty, and six siblings, Elizabeth (Steve), Patricia (Jim), Susan (Mike), Kelly (Ted), John and Raymond (Ashley). Flowers may be sent to the Beechwood Cemetery at 280 Beechwood, Ave, Ottawa ON, K1L 8A6.  In lieu of flowers, an education savings fund has been established for his daughters and the funds can be donated via etransfer to or deposited at any TD Canada Trust Bank to banking details: Transit 40891 Institution 004 Account 6289228.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 01/11/2023 - 11:51:AM


Holly Holmes (MacLaughlin)

To the Hickey Family
So devastated and saddened to hear this unexpected news about Jimmy. He was such a lovely sweet easy going spirited person. I can see him sitting behind me in Kevin or Charlie's class like it was yesterday. His smile leaves an imprint in your mind that will always be there. I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that you raised such a lovely young man who touched so many lives so positively in all aspects and stages of his life and was adored by so many. My very deepest sympathies and wishing you peace and strength in the days ahead.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 01/11/2023 - 01:45:PM


JF LeFort

My most sincere condolences go out to the Hickey family and his wife and children. Gone way too soon. May he rest in peace.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 01/11/2023 - 02:31:PM


Asal Roberge

I had the extreme privilege of working with LCol Hickey for the last year of his life. A few months ago, he and I were chatting at the secure printer in my section of the floor. He often came here because there is no such printer on the other side of the floor where his team sits.

We were venting as we so often did about the crazy deadlines we were facing on an MC and he told me that this job was unlike any that he had before with regards to the unpredictability of the tasks and deliverables. And then casually he said, he wondered where he’d be going next year during his upcoming military rotation.

I cannot describe how abruptly that hit me – how gutted I was in that moment to remember that, “oh ya, we weren’t going to be working together forever.” I didn’t ask him anything further then, but when I got back to my desk I told my colleague Avneet, who also worked with him on her TB Submission file, and she was equally deflated by that realization.

It was in that moment that I became aware of how much of an impact he had on me and how much I cared for him. That the idea of not working together was one that I would dread so much.

Later that week when he came by my desk Avneet brought it up and he clarified that his rotation wouldn’t be until the spring or summer and I can’t tell you the relief that washed over me that it wouldn’t be goodbye just yet.

James was just that kind of person – he was a light and a joy to be around. Even in moments of pressure and complaining, he would always stop himself and say – “Please don’t take this as anything towards you, please know that I’m not mad at you or upset with you…” he was always so concerned that I would construe his words the wrong way and that he would upset me – but he never could. I knew that his heart was so pure and that all he cared about was protecting the well-being of everyone else around him – it was so obvious.

I didn’t expect this devastating news to paralyze me so much – but then again, how could it not. He was such a big part of my work life – he truly felt like family. This was even more relevant for me given the hybrid reality that we’ve operated in for the last year that I got to know him. Being that we were both one of the few that were here in person almost every day – I grew to look forward to seeing him– stopping by his desk, having our bilat on MCs and just generally catching up on life.

It took some time because he was such a consummate professional, but he did eventually open up to me – about his daughters (something that we had in common) and his family that he loved so much, about his passion for soccer, and his unexpected enjoyment of tacky reality tv shows. I’m so sad that we won’t have those talks anymore, that I can’t tell him how much I enjoyed watching the World Cup even though I don’t even care for soccer that much at all. These interactions sustained me and gave me so much comfort even when work was hard or demanding.

This morning I looked at my calendar and our standing meeting to review the MC Dashboard was staring me in the face – I didn’t want to look at it, but also, the idea of removing it from my calendar made me so upset – I truly don’t know if I ever can because it would feel like letting go of him and our friendship.

What gives me some solace is that he was kind and thoughtful enough to send me and Avneet an email prior to leaving for the holidays on Dec 16 – he remembered us and wished us well – and in a way, we were lucky enough to respond back and to be able to say “goodbye”. We just didn’t know what that goodbye would really mean.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 01/11/2023 - 05:21:PM


Diane Russell

My thoughts and prayers are with all of the family.
I was privileged to have worked for James for several years at CTC and had the opportunity to call him a friend. Nicole, you and the girls meant the world to him.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/12/2023 - 03:29:AM


Tony Ronalds

As much as they were raising their children Jack and Betty were sending positive examples out into the world, one of them is no longer with us and it has broken all our hearts.
Nicole, firstly let me say how much James loved you. I remember when you first came over to Renfrew St. Jimmy sat me down and warned me to be on my best behavior, ....several times. "Tony I know you are going to behave and not make me Kill You". I did my best to behave and you didn't run for the hills. I am sure meeting me he might have warned you as well. As he was preparing for the move back to Gatineau/Ottawa we sat at the Elgin St Diner and he talked about his time away he shared his concern about not being home with me and the stress of moving, "It is tough being away and I just want to be there all the time to tell them Everything is gonna be Ok. I need to get this house stuff taken care of and get home." Being with Nicole and the girls was paramount. Even when he was away he wanted to complete the task and get back to his family.
I think it was Grade seven when our teacher asked me to take Jimmy his homework. Imagine how happy Jimmy was to have his math assignment delivered to his door, somehow we still became fast friends. I was greeted by Betty, thanked for going out of my way, and rewarded with cookies and something to drink.
The actual reward was Jimmy and I became friends and I became a part-time fixture at the Hickey Household. I can not put into words the kindness, love, and understanding that existed under that steep roof on Rose St. Always one of the first stops after an adventurous weekend, I would head over to Jimmy's and share the goings-on with Jimmy at the table as we had tea or apple juice and cookies. The laughter and smiles were second only to the understanding being shared. Jimmy never judged me for my decisions or actions. He would certainly share his opinion, in the most respectful way possible.
He loved to debate, I do not think we agreed on many topics however the discussion was held in a way that felt constructive and again respectful.
I remember working with Jimmy at CIGO, going to his soccer games, watching him play hockey, and literally cheering him on every chance I had.
There was also a time I did not cheer him on....
I recall him coming home from his interview with the military thinking he wouldn't get into Logistics. Hearing him say he didn't think he would get the position didn't seem like a bad thing to me personally. Selfishly I thought staying and us being roommates forever was a far better idea. When he was notified he had been accepted I was very upset, it was "the end of an era" he said. I also remember his worry about having to share the news he got that job with his family, especially his Mom. He loved and respected his parents and of course his brothers and sisters. My heartfelt condolences to each and every one of you. Also extending my gratitude for the Brother and Son you shared with us all.
We were blessed to have him with us, and I wish only for more time for James with his family who meant everything. May the memories of your Husband, Father, and Son/Brother hold bring you peace.
Much Love

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/12/2023 - 11:35:AM


Jennifer Viau

I'm so so sorry for your loss. All my prayers and thoughts go to you and your family. May God bless you.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 01/13/2023 - 01:24:PM


Shauna Tracey

I was so sad to hear of Jimmy's passing. Although I didn't know him well, when you grow up one street over, on the same block as the Hickeys, those connections to home are never far away. He always seemed like the most pleasant and genuinely likeable guy. I feel for all of you in a way that is impossible to put into words, but I am thinking of everyone, and sending much love to the whole family.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 01/14/2023 - 02:55:PM


Tanya Viau

I would much rather have the ability to say this in person, sadly it’s not possible at this time, therefor I want to offer you my most sincere and deepest condolences to you, your girls, James’s family and friends. Please know that many thoughts and prayers are being sent your way from Cochrane! Hugs

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 01/14/2023 - 03:03:PM


Barbara Ann King

My heart and prayers are with all of you at this time. I think of Jimmy as one of my dearest friends. We didn’t get to talk as often as we would like, but he always remembered to call for my birthday. This year won’t be the same without getting that call. If there is anything I can do please reach out. I am only a phone call away. XO

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 01/15/2023 - 06:23:PM


Jeffrey Forgrave

My condolences to all. James' passing is a shock. Such a wonderful young man, we had many wonderful times together in Petawawa and it was a pleasure to see him whenever our paths crossed during our careers. RIP James.

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