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5 years 6 months
Submitted by katrina on Tue, 10/04/2022 - 09:36:AM

Our cherished Nicole passed away peacefully on September 28, 2022 at the age of 65.

Left to mourn is her heart-broken husband and soulmate, William Baker and large and close-knit family who supported her steadfastly in her final days. She leaves to grieve her three adored children Laure Émilie Pitfield (Sarah), Weldon Pitfield, and Anthony Pitfield (Caitlin), step-children Gregory Baker (Julia), Michael Baker (Amanda) and Stephen Baker, as well as six adored grandchildren Rylan, Jack, Aurora, Ella, Eléonore and Catherine. Nicole will also be dearly missed by her mother, Renée, sisters Lucie (Daniel), Josée (John) and her brother Jean-Pierre (Barbara) and many nieces and nephews.

Born in Rouyn, Quebec, she was the eldest child of Renée and the late Pierre Jauvin. The family moved to Ottawa in 1962 where Nicole grew up in a loving home and pursued her education and career.

A lawyer by training, Nicole brought her intelligence, judgement, and enthusiasm to a career in the Public Service of Canada that spanned several decades and began in the Privy Council Office, where she spent 17 years providing machinery of government, national security and senior personnel advice to five successive Prime Ministers. She was then appointed to several deputy minister positions.

Following her retirement in 2011, Nicole sat on corporate boards in Canada’s north including the Gwich’in Economic Development Corporation and the Qulliq Energy Corporation thus cementing a deep connection to Canada’s indigenous people. She also volunteered on the CHEO Research Institute Board for nine years. Most recently, she led a Canada-sponsored judicial reform project in the Caribbean. In each of these roles, Nicole welcomed the chance to do something new and exciting and to contribute her knowledge and expertise.

Her greatest love was her large and close family. In her own words, her greatest purpose in life was to raise her children and grandchildren with kind hearts, strong values, and a sense of commitment to their country and communities. She was happiest being surrounded by family and friends at her cottage on Hardwood Lake in Val des Monts. Nicole and Bill were also active members of the Five Lakes Fishing Club where they forged many of their closest friendships.

In retirement, Nicole and Bill travelled extensively visiting dozens of countries and fully experiencing their culture, language, cuisine, and people. She was happiest in Spain, where they returned many years with dear friends, the Amigos.

Nicole was our brilliant star and she burned brightly to the end. Her light will guide us and give us warmth forever.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 10/13/2022 - 08:00:PM


Karen McConnell

Anthony, on behalf of myself, Scott and the McConnell-Brownrigg-Rich families, we want to extend our deepest condolences to you, Caitlin and all of your family. Sadly we never got the chance to meet your mother but she sounds like an amazing woman. Our thoughts are with all of you at this very sad time.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 10/16/2022 - 04:58:PM


Daphni Baudouin

C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse mais aussi portée par cette belle lumière que représente Nicole pour vous tous, sa famille si chère, que je vous offre mes sincères condoléances.
Christian, Alexia et Gabriel se joignent à moi pour vous envoyer notre profonde affection.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 10/16/2022 - 06:55:PM


Monique Angers

Bien qu’ayant grandi à Noranda, je n’ai pas eu le plaisir de connaître Nicole avant de déménager à Ottawa pour y étudier en coopération internationale. C’est dans ce cadre que j’ai rencontré Nicole qui s’intéressait déjà énormément au développement international… à aider les plus démunis. J’ai passé une année merveilleuse à la cotoyer. Une femme intelligente et passionnée. Bon courage à toute la famille. Tu nous manqueras.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 10/17/2022 - 10:14:PM


Rene Daoust

Toute mes sympathie a toute la famille mes pensé sont avec vous !

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 10/17/2022 - 10:22:PM


Micheline Daoust

Toutes nos sympathies à la famille de Nicole !J'ai connu Nicole lorsque j'étais jeune et que sa famille venait nous visiter à Rollet . Oncle Pierre et tante Renée ,ses parents me rappellent de beaux souvenirs d'enfance à Rollet !

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 09:09:AM


Christine Tym

Thinking of you Laure and your family, such a tragic loss for you all. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 10:45:AM


Ray and Barb Jones

We met Nicole through Bill and loved her immediately. What a great life they had together, but for far too short a time. Nicole brought so much joy to us as well. Rest in peace, Nicole, you will be missed by all.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 10/18/2022 - 05:09:PM


Sandra Bilodeau

Mes sincères condoléances Bill.
Je vous ai connu toi et Nicole au Five Lakes pendant les 7 années que j'ai fréquenté ce merveilleux endroit. Je garde le meilleur souvenir de Nicole. Une femme inspirante, vive d'esprit et tellement agréable. J'ai eu un coup au coeur en lisant Droit inc. annonçant son décès. Bon courage pour la suite

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/19/2022 - 12:11:PM


Susan Campbell-Nicholas

A beautiful soul with the brightest smile and eyes you may have ever seen; one of those persons you could not forget when you meet her. May she rest in eternal peace.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/19/2022 - 05:07:PM


Morris Rosenberg

Bill, Please accept my deepest sympathies on Nicole’s passing. I had the pleasure of working with her at PCO and when she was Deputy Solicitor General. Nicole was a wonderful colleague, always kind and generous to others. She has left us far too soon.

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