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5 years 6 months
Submitted by bryan on Mon, 07/04/2022 - 04:37:PM

On June 30, 2022, Stephen James LaBelle died peacefully in Chesterville, Ontario of ALS. He was 46 years old.

Steve is survived by his children James and Thomas (children of Laurie MacMillan), his parents Dora and Tony, his sisters Karen (Christopher), Lisa (John), his brother Mike (Shari) and his nieces and nephew. He is predeceased by his father Ralph.

Steve was born on August 14, 1975, in Montreal, Quebec.

Steve was active and was always in search of understanding why and how things worked the way they did. He loved golfing, hockey, biking, travelling, exploring new things, and spending time with friends and family. He loved being a father to James and Thomas and was passionate about teaching them new things. They were his greatest love and the hardest thing for him to leave behind.  

He had a distinguished military career with the Canadian Armed Forces since 1993 until he could no longer stand his post. Throughout that time, he had the opportunity to travel to various places across the world and was dedicated to his work, leading others, and keeping our country safe.

A memorial service for Steve is scheduled for Tuesday July 12, 2022, at Beechwood Cemetery in Ottawa, ON. Friends and family are invited to arrive at 12pm where a memorial service will take place at 1pm followed by a burial ceremony and a reception from 2:30-4:30 pm.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to ALS Canada, in memory of Steve.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 01:01:PM


William Hildreth

Labelle Family

It was with a saddened heart that I heard the news of the passing of Steve. Although no words can really help to ease the loss to you and your family, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Steve’s passion for his job and for those that worked with you were an inspiration to others to emulate. There are certain individuals you meet in life that truly stand out. Steve was one of those that did. He was an ultimate tradesperson always doing that extra bit to understand why and how he could do the job better. Steve tackled problems directly; he didn’t pass them off simply because it was the easier thing to do. He always stepped forward, took initiative and made things right. He will be missed.

Again, please except my deepest sympathy for your loss.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 02:18:PM


Sasha Milenkovic

Steve effortlessly personified all the best that we strive to be as 291s professionals. I am eternally grateful to have had the chance to work with Steve. Accounting the breadth of this news, I self-reflect and recognize how just his presence and tactful mentorship shaped me. Thank you for your wisdom…and for instilling the importance of empathy. My sincerest condolences to the family.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 02:27:PM


Andre Leclerc

My sincere condolences to Steve's family and friends. I've had the pleasure of working with him and it was an honor to have been blessed so.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 04:26:PM


Barry Barber

It was with sadness and shock that I learned of Stephens passing, a very kind man with a quiet confidence about him, RIP my friend …..

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 04:51:PM


Shelly Patriquin

You meet people during your lifetime that have an immediate and profound impact on you... people who inspire you to be better and do better. People who ultimately play a significant role in shaping the person you hope to one day be. You were one of those people to me, Steve. So.genuine, proud, and noble. You always inspired me to be a better version of myself and always pushed me forward when I tried to back away from the challenges in front of me. We had alot of heart to heart discussion over the years, lots of genuine laughter, and even the occasional heated argument over operational matters and personnel. I had enormous respect and admiration for you through every single one of those moments. One of my absolute favorite memories of you was on our 5s when we all headed out to the Nog for karaoke. We convinced you to get up on stage and sing Jonny Cash "I Walk the Line" with me, Mia Robertson, and Amy Graham as your backup. We were TERRIBLE and were booed at the end of the song. Hand on heart...all these years later I still maintain the crowd booed the backup singers cause you, my friend... frikkin nailed it! So many great memories of one of my favorite people. Just a year and a half ago, you were my strength when we stood side by side and layed Dan Labelle to rest. I never imagined I would be saying goodbye to you so soon. I can't even begin to express the tremendous sorrow I am feeling in this moment and yet, so grateful you are free. I am so incredibly privileged to have served wth you. Privileged to call you friend.  To the Labelle family, my deepest condolences. Thank you for sharing Steve with his CAF family....a gift to everyone of us who had the honour of serving alongside him. Thomas and James...your Dad was one of the best. You are all in my thoughts.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 06:02:PM


Wes Lake

Sincere condolences to Steve’s family and friends!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 07:44:PM


Sandra, Salvador and Joshua

Our deepest and sincere condolences to you all. No words can lessen the pain and sorrow you are feeling right now, but we send our heartfelt prayers that you may be comforted and healed in your own time by remembering the beautiful and happy times you shared. God Bless

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 07/05/2022 - 08:30:PM


Butch Boucher

May God welcome him home with open arms.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 07/06/2022 - 11:36:AM


David and Heather Barnett

We loved Steve a lot and enjoyed our time with him country line dancing and being good friends. He had a big heart and was always positive. We will miss him so much!! We are praying for his family, especially his sons and for all his friends mourning his passing. My mom passed away from ALS so I understand how hard it is to watch someone else go through this. Blessings!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 07/06/2022 - 12:05:PM


Ray Lebeau

To James, Laurie, Thomas, Family Members & Friends,
We have a proud group of (mostly) retired Canadian Forces Supplementary Radio (SUPRAD) System operators, technicians and civilians who are members and friends of our Oldtimers Association. We regularly meet in the All Ranks Mess at Canadian Forces Station Leitrim for lunch (and a beverage) for the purpose of keeping up-to-date on what is happening in each one of our lives. Because Steve was so young, he did not become a member of our Association, but he was definitely accepted as a friend. All those who served within the SUPRAD community are considered family and our motto is 'Friends Forever'. All of the younger MOC 291 - Communicator Research personnel who served with Steve, can attest to his unfailing loyalty, exceptional leadership, good sense of humour and genuine friendship. As I read through the many messages of condolence for Steve, everyone emphasized time and again what a great person he was and how proud they were to know him, to laugh with him, and to serve with him. As members of your extended military family, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
'Friends Forever'
Ray Lebeau

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