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5 years 5 months
Submitted by masterfunerald… on Mon, 04/11/2022 - 09:19:AM

Born in Halifax N.S. August 26, 1946

Passed away on April 8, 2022 At the Perley Veterans Health where he had been residing since November 2021. He passed away from complications of Parkinson’s Disease.

He married Claire (Grenier) in 1969 and they had two children, Yvette (Dan Huot), and Robin (Laila). He was so very proud of both his children. He had three grandchildren, Ciara, Carina and Justin Huot. They were his shining stars and could always make him laugh.

Wayne joined the RCAF at the age of 16, and served for 45 years. He obtained 4 degrees during this time. He worked as the director of Human Performance and Health Promotion. He was an adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa and was an Honorary Professor at the Shenyang University in China.

After serving several years as a non-commissioned member of the Canadian Forces he received his commission and for most of his military career he served as a Physical Education and Recreation Officer, retiring with the rank of major. He was both a fitness expert and an accomplished athlete in multiple sports including football, karate, judo, volleyball, soccer, rugby and weightlifting. He excelled at almost every sport he played. His belief in Leadership by Example was a motto he followed throughout his military and civilian life.

He played a leading role in the conceptualization, research and development and implementation of the CF’s physical education and health promotion programs and physical fitness standards for the Canadian Army, Navy, and Air Force.

He was awarded the CF’s Medallion for Distinguished Service. He also received the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Medal for contributions in the founding of the “Soldier On” program for the CF’s caring for injured Canadian soldiers from the Afghanistan campaign.

After four years of theological training he was ordained a Deacon, and had liturgical and pastoral responsibilities in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ottawa and Good Shepherd Parish. He was a Spiritual Director for the Upper Room Home of Prayer in Ottawa and Cornwall, and an Appeals Speaker for the International Charity Organization, “Chalice”. He was a volunteer Military Chaplain in the Veterans Pastoral Outreach Program of the DND/VAC Centre in Ottawa, and a Chaplain at the Royal Ottawa Hospital and the Royal Ottawa Place. He also performed military funerals at Beechwood cemetery.

He is survived by siblings Tom (Gisele) Benson, Jack (Germaine) Lee, Donna LeBlanc, Leo, David, Linda (Larry) Guthrie, and Judy. He is predeceased by his parents Eva and Leo Lee, sisters Barbara Sturge, Pauline Mantley, Sheila Lee, and brothers Dennis and Roger. He also leaves behind many many nieces and nephews too numerous to mention.

Visitation for Wayne will take place at Beechwood Cemetery on Thursday April 21st from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. with the memorial service at their chapel at 1 p.m. Burial will follow in the Beechwood Cemetery followed by a reception in the Beechwood Reception rooms.

Donations can be made to the Michael J Fox Foundation in lieu of flowers.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 04/15/2022 - 05:36:PM


Martina and Ed O’Neill

We met Claire and Wayne while living in the Gorsebrook PMQ’s in Halifax and again in Ottawa. They were always a joy to meet and always willing to share some of the wonderful experience they had encountered over their career. We send heartfelt sympathy alone with love and prayers.
May Wayne Rest In Peace.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 04/16/2022 - 05:05:AM


Harold White

Wayne was an early mentor from whom I learned so much both professionally and about life in general.

His steadfast guidance was also correct and the love for his family was always evident in everything he did.

I will cherish the very meaningful times and conversations we shared.

Wayne….a life worth emulating

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 04/16/2022 - 04:14:PM


Robert Fall

Served with Wayne at the Manning Depot in RCAF Station St. Jean P.Q. Also at CFB Chatham where he met his wife Claire. Many noon hour recreational activities at Chatham.We last met in 1972 when I was serving with 880 Squadron at CFB Shearwater. Our paths never crossed again as we travelled within our chosen military career fields. My wife Sandra and I offer sincere condolences to Claire and his family. Ad Astra Wayne.
Robert Fall MWO (ret’d)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 04/16/2022 - 07:10:PM


CWO (Ret’d) Ken Doucette, MMM, CD

I was so deeply saddened to learn of Wayne’s passing.
His leadership was outstanding !
He was forever positive and never for a moment forgot where he came from. During difficult times he was so supportive to everyone, and he was always there for me whenever I needed him with sincere encouragement and sage advice.
He was a man of deep faith and a superb example to so many.
Denise and I are feeling such sadness for you Claire, and your family, as you grieve the loss of this wonderful man.
Be assured of our prayerful support now, and in the days ahead.
I am a much better person for having known Wayne.
Rest In Peace !

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 04/17/2022 - 07:04:AM


Mike Cooper, Commodore (Ret'd)

It was my pleasure to work with Wayne when he served in the Directorate of Physical Education, Recreation & Amenities at NDHQ in the late 80s and early 90s. He was our resident expert on all things concerning exercise physiology and, amongst other achievements, was principally responsible for the development of gender neutral physical fitness standards for the Canadian Forces. There's no doubt he was a leading light and had a major influence on Canadian Forces' fitness and physical education.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 04/17/2022 - 05:13:PM


Kim Ann Chute

To Wayne’s family, my sincerest condolences.

To Wayne: you were larger than life. I will forever remember our walks where we debated our beliefs and opinions. You have to admit I did make at least one point…

I know two things for sure:
1. You are at peace and the suffering is done.
2. Heaven has a gym and my angels will appreciate your fitness tips.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 04/17/2022 - 07:49:PM


Darrell Menard

I had the privilege to know Wayne for 44 years and to be his family physician for nearly 30 years. What an honour. Wayne was so motivated that he regularly made the energizer bunny look like a couch potato. I have know idea where the unending supply of energy came from but let me assure you his blood work didn’t provide me with any clues. We should just agree that he was blessed with super powers that were denied the rest of us mere mortals. He was a prefect example of how you just can’t measure some things including the magic it takes to be successful. Wayne worked hard the entire time I knew him and he had a long range vision that would make the Hubble telescope scientists jealous. During all his years hard work and success, Wayne never lost track of his friends and family. He inspired me to try to be a better person and I am quite sure this was true for many people. He will be missed. Claire - Janet and I wish you and your family the very best in this challenging time. Don’t worry about Wayne, I am pretty sure His daily schedule in heaven includes scriptural debates with God and pumping up in the celestial gym.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 04/18/2022 - 02:39:PM


Bill and Monika Sergeant

Dear Claire, Yvette, Robin and family: You are all in our thoughts and prayers as we mourn Wayne's passing. He was bigger than life in all that he did. His energy and enthusiasm was infectious, especially when he was helping others to be all that they could be. He will be sorely missed by so many. With love and caring, Bill and Monika Sergeant

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 04/18/2022 - 09:22:PM


LCol Bob Blair (Retd)

It is difficult in a few lines to honour and pay the proper respect to Wayne. Our family will always remember him for his myriad of accomplishments. I played soccer with Wayne in Halifax and Ottawa and like in all things he excelled. Claire and family, our deepest condolences. He will live in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 04/19/2022 - 02:07:PM


Raymond Desloges MGen (Ret'd)

I first came into contact with Wayne some 24 years ago after I retired from the CAF. I called him at work to get a letter of support in his area of expertise for a complex issue I was trying to resolve. Although he did not know me personally and was busy with his own work he expeditiously sent me that letter accompanied by words of encouragement and an offer to provide further assistance as required. He subsequently followed up as my situation progressed to a successful conclusion over the next two years, that success due in good measures to his letter. We spoke and met on subsequent occasions when he required input and support in assisting other retired members who were dealing with similar issues.
As anyone who has dealt with ‘government bureaucracy’ will appreciate, his quick and positive response to my request for assistance and his genuine desire to help others where he could left a strong and lasting impression as to his admirable qualities, character and personality. We need more Wayne Lees in this world. We lost a good human being.
My sincere condolences to his family

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