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5 years 5 months
Submitted by masterfunerald… on Mon, 04/11/2022 - 09:19:AM

Born in Halifax N.S. August 26, 1946

Passed away on April 8, 2022 At the Perley Veterans Health where he had been residing since November 2021. He passed away from complications of Parkinson’s Disease.

He married Claire (Grenier) in 1969 and they had two children, Yvette (Dan Huot), and Robin (Laila). He was so very proud of both his children. He had three grandchildren, Ciara, Carina and Justin Huot. They were his shining stars and could always make him laugh.

Wayne joined the RCAF at the age of 16, and served for 45 years. He obtained 4 degrees during this time. He worked as the director of Human Performance and Health Promotion. He was an adjunct professor at the University of Ottawa and was an Honorary Professor at the Shenyang University in China.

After serving several years as a non-commissioned member of the Canadian Forces he received his commission and for most of his military career he served as a Physical Education and Recreation Officer, retiring with the rank of major. He was both a fitness expert and an accomplished athlete in multiple sports including football, karate, judo, volleyball, soccer, rugby and weightlifting. He excelled at almost every sport he played. His belief in Leadership by Example was a motto he followed throughout his military and civilian life.

He played a leading role in the conceptualization, research and development and implementation of the CF’s physical education and health promotion programs and physical fitness standards for the Canadian Army, Navy, and Air Force.

He was awarded the CF’s Medallion for Distinguished Service. He also received the Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Medal for contributions in the founding of the “Soldier On” program for the CF’s caring for injured Canadian soldiers from the Afghanistan campaign.

After four years of theological training he was ordained a Deacon, and had liturgical and pastoral responsibilities in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ottawa and Good Shepherd Parish. He was a Spiritual Director for the Upper Room Home of Prayer in Ottawa and Cornwall, and an Appeals Speaker for the International Charity Organization, “Chalice”. He was a volunteer Military Chaplain in the Veterans Pastoral Outreach Program of the DND/VAC Centre in Ottawa, and a Chaplain at the Royal Ottawa Hospital and the Royal Ottawa Place. He also performed military funerals at Beechwood cemetery.

He is survived by siblings Tom (Gisele) Benson, Jack (Germaine) Lee, Donna LeBlanc, Leo, David, Linda (Larry) Guthrie, and Judy. He is predeceased by his parents Eva and Leo Lee, sisters Barbara Sturge, Pauline Mantley, Sheila Lee, and brothers Dennis and Roger. He also leaves behind many many nieces and nephews too numerous to mention.

Visitation for Wayne will take place at Beechwood Cemetery on Thursday April 21st from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. with the memorial service at their chapel at 1 p.m. Burial will follow in the Beechwood Cemetery followed by a reception in the Beechwood Reception rooms.

Donations can be made to the Michael J Fox Foundation in lieu of flowers.

Digital Guestbook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 09:24:AM


Victor Trnavskis

I, like everyone else who knew and worked with Wayne, experienced his constant dynamic enthusiasm and good nature. He brought a Joie de Vivre to everything he did and an endless passion for contributing helpful knowledge to others.​ The sadness of Wayne's passing also brought forth many fond memories I have of him, our times together​ ​and his many talents. Wayne never stopped challenging himself in all that he did​. ​He will be missed but not forgotten and I am grateful to have called him my friend.​

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 09:30:AM


Al Kimick

What in shock of reality to learn of Wayne's passing … shock, great sadness and regret!! Thankfully, this was followed by feelings of great joy and great gratitude for having lovely memories of Wayne, his personality, dedication to the PE&R Branch, contributions to (literally) the world of scientific research & "deliverables" in the area of physical education & fitness, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, his love & reverence of God, Claire & their family.

I recall the dedication to Claire in Wayne's MSc thesis. He said something like: “I have loved you with all my heart in the past & present, and will do so even more in the future.”

I wanted to get the exact wording, so, I googled him & U of Alberta to try to find it. I was amazed & overwhelmed at his 13-page CV! I knew about his enthusiasm & effectiveness in his professional Life. His attention to detail & desire for academic accuracy was at the highest level. It always included acknowledgement of colleagues who were involved with any aspect of the many research projects. But I was bowled over by the magnitude!! A passage in Scripture came to mind (Matthew 13:54-57) that illustrates the fact that I, (and perhaps some or many of his PERO & PERI colleagues), under appreciated his brilliance & greatness in human terms!!!

I mentioned my sadness above, first of all, for Claire & their family. But also, for us who were in the CF in years gone by, in that we won’t have the opportunity to say directly to him, our thanks and appreciation of him & his incredibly MANY, MANY contributions. I wonder if he can be nominated for the Order of Canada, posthumously. He is worthy.

I also mentioned my regret. I had often thought I would write to express my gratitude to & for him & the difference he made in my Life. I think he may have been too busy to have realized this … specifically, his trail blazing of CF supported graduate education. Also, and this is something that I didn’t fully appreciate until I took in 2015/16, as he did back in the mid 1980s, the Roman Catholic RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program. His genuine enthusiasm for discovering and learning about God and the Truths in the Bible, was infectious to say the least.

There were some great PE & R officers in the Canadian military/DND, like Harry Kerrison, Hank Tatterchuk, Gerry Kasanda, Joe Parr, Ernie Miller, Bob Swan, Greg Pearson, but I think the only one who May Have had a greater impact than Wayne on soldiers, sailors & air force personnel, and to have been recognized nationally & internationally, was Dr. Bill Orban and the 5BX initiative from the 1950s.

Wayne Gretzky is called the Great One in the hockey world. Our Wayne is the Great One in our world. RIP colleague, friend and brother in sports, fitness & Arms.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 10:36:AM



Claire: Sorry to here of Wayne’s passing. Ann and I send our condolences and are sad to hear of Wayne’s passing he was a great friend to me when we worked at DRERA. He was a fine officer and a great researcher. REST In Peace.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 12:22:PM


Randy Helgason LCol (Ret)

When I think of Wayne, the words that come immediately to my mind are enthusiasm, dedication, perseverance, family and friendship. Wayne was a modern day Renaissance man always looking to expand his horizons. From military technician to military leader, from military leader to scientist, and from scientist to theologian, Wayne embraced new challenges and and excelled in every field of endeavour. In spite of his dedication to and pursuit of professional and personal development, Wayne was first and foremost a family man. Claire, Yvette and Robin were always at the centre of his dynamic life, and his pride in and love for them was evident to all his friends.
Wayne was my friend and colleague for over 40 years. I look back over those years with many fond memories of friendship and accomplishments. He and Claire were also a surrogate family for me when I was posted to Ottawa. I was a dinner guest at their Rockcliff PMQ most weekends for over a year. Being in the company of a young, active loving family help me through my third consecutive year of a military imposed restricted posting. I will be forever grateful to Wayne and Claire for their generosity and friendship.
It was an honour and a pleasure to work and play with Dr. Wayne Lee. To Claire, Yvette, Robin and the grandchildren, please accept my sincere condolences for your loss. Rest In Peace Wayne.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 03:53:PM


Blake Ferris

To have known Wayne as a professional colleague, a friend, a man of humble faith and a fellow Nova Scotian is a gift of light and a blessing to be remembered and quietly cherished. All that flowed so freely from Wayne's heart has touched the hearts of countless others... and leaves us so much richer.

"Fear no more the heat o' the sun,
Nor the furious winter's rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages:
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney sweepers, come to dust."
No exorciser harm thee!
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!
Nothing ill come near thee!
Quiet consumnation have;
And renowned be thy grave!"

~ WIlliam Shakespeare (from Cymbeline)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 07:16:PM


Gerry McGarry PERI,Ret'd

We worked together for two summers in the early 70s at CFB Greenwood as he was attending the ROTC program at Acadia in Wolfville NS. A fine young LT he was. My deepest sympathies to Claire and their family.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 07:29:PM


Sharon Chernow

Wayne was my boss in PSP for serveral years, all of which hold such warm memories for me. He came into my life as a 'boss' at a time when I need him most. His mentoring and kindness helped me through some tough times and his friendship was such a gift. He was always kind, even when dealing with difficult people. My sincere condolences to Claire and the family. He will be greatly missed, by many generations.
Many blessings
Sharon and Wayne Chernow

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 04/13/2022 - 08:17:PM


Bob Swan

Wayne's passing is very sad news. Memories galore come flooding back to the great moments we shared in our lives and careers. To Claire and family, you have been such strength and support to Wayne throughout his life's journey. Even when you knew what was coming, and you think you are prepared, it still is a devastating loss. Claire, Brenda and I are thinking of you, Yvette, Robin and families during this difficult time. Much love Bob and Brenda

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/14/2022 - 06:36:AM


Mike Taylor

Dear Wayne, As I look through this list of of testimonials from the "influencers" in the military and the PERI Branch, the over-riding theme is you motivated and inspired them all. So glad to be a part of "the family" and to have experienced your passion, care and empowerment. Let none of us forget the Physical, Mental, Psychological, Social, and Spiritual health pillars of our "calling", all of which you demonstrated to the fullest. Mens Sana in Corpore Sano!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/14/2022 - 08:28:AM


Todd Stride

A true gentleman and a leader for so many. RIP Dr. Lee.

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