Honouring Soldiers of Suicide

In a poignant and heartfelt ceremony, the National Military Cemetery of Canada became a sanctuary of remembrance and healing as families and friends gathered to honor soldiers, veterans, and law enforcement personnel who have tragically lost their lives to suicide. The sunset ceremony served as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by those who served, and the ongoing need to address the stigma surrounding mental health in the military, RCMP, OPP, and OPS communities.

The annual ceremony, held at the National Military Cemetery of Canada on September 7th 2024, was marked by a profound sense of unity. Attendees, including family members of the fallen, shared in the collective grief and strength of the community. The inclusion of RCMP, OPP, and OPS personnel this year highlighted the expanding recognition of the struggles faced by those in law enforcement, alongside military members.

As the sun set, the ceremony featured a special tribute to the faces of those who have died by suicide. Families were given the opportunity to submit service photos of their loved ones to be displayed on the National Military Cemetery Monument. This visual tribute not only honoured their memory but also served to open conversations about mental health challenges within these communities. 

This year, emotional support dogs from St. Johns Ambulance came out to give families an extra sense of comfort.

The ceremony was a moving testament to the importance of remembering those we have lost and the ongoing need to address mental health within our service communities.

As we continue to unite in remembrance, let us honour their sacrifices by fostering a more supportive and understanding environment.


For those struggling with the loss of a loved one due to suicide, the HOPE Program remains a vital resource. Offering continuous peer support and education on grief, the HOPE Program helps bereaved military families navigate their grief and develop coping strategies.


