The Beechwood Way - Fall 2023 Vol.26
AS WE PREPARED for our 150th Anniversary, looking at what projects, programs and events we wanted to undertake, we didn’t factor in the tremendous support from each organization and community. We have spent the year connecting and sharing our history with others. And in turn they would share their history with us.
The 150th Anniversary was a celebration from January to December. Each month, we held a signature event, every week we highlighted an individual buried at Beechwood and their contribution to their community and each day we shared a themed photo to create a year-long photo gallery on social media platforms.
We also shared our stories with the local media who encouraged people to visit Beechwood, experience the history and discover their own heritage within the 160 acres that is their cemetery. This issue is a celebration of the 150th with a full review of all the activities and events we undertook during the year. This list isn’t the full list of our events.
Most important, we could never capture the conversations, the stories shared and the support we received from all of you during the year.
At every turn, people would share their connection to the cemetery, their legacy or provide a special moment they had within our grounds. We remain humbled to the fact that we have been lucky enough to service the city of Ottawa for 150 years and remain committed to provide the service that all of you expect from us.
150 times we can say thank you and it will never be enough. I say again, thank you for your support, friendship and most importantly your faith and trust in Beechwood.